Well, good morning, this is Rone with The Rone Dolph Show and it is Wednesday morning. And I gotta tell you what God gave me, now I'm expecting cause God's told me that we've gone through the first six months of the year and we're going to go through the second six months and he's going to, you know, increase some things, increase some understanding and bring out some, you know, some revelation. So I was in prayer this morning, very early. And I like to get up and pray because it's so quiet and I don't have any distractions. But he's been talking to me and talking to me about having a relationship with him that's exceedingly, abundantly above what we can ask or think or imagine, or even comprehend. And so I'm going to talk to you about this scripture. That's in Ephesians 3:29 or 20. And it says now to him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us, to him be glory in the church, by Jesus, by Christ Jesus, to all generations, forever and ever amen. Now to him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or think according to the power that works within us.
So it's a scripture that I use a lot when I'm talking to people, about the things of God, about our business, about expecting more from God in business. I talk about, you know, in business we will be able to see things that maybe other people can't see, we'll be able to look down and see fine details about our business. But when we can't see it, we don't go after it. God wants to do exceedingly abundantly above what you can imagine. He wants to do what you can't imagine. So in my case, The Rone Dolph Show was something that I would never imagine, never had a desire for it. Didn't have any thoughts about it. And yet, you know, he gave it to me. I wrote it down and looked at it, thought I was writing down different things that I wanted to do different goals, and I wrote it down and I go, what the heck is that?
That's really what I thought. And that's what I got is sometimes I'm, I'm writing things down for, you know, I got to do this, this, this, and then I'll write something I've written down scripture. I come back and I'm going through my list and I go, what's this scripture here? What is this? It's my handwriting. I wrote it down. I don't remember writing it down. I go and look up that scripture. And it's a message to me from, from the Lord. So he works with us in different ways, ways that, you know, we don't even know sometimes. We don't expect it. Pastor Barnett is my pastor, has always taught that if he had one regret in life that he wouldn't have pushed himself out there in faith enough, he wouldn't have tried to do more exceedingly great things. Now everybody looks at pastor Barnett and I go, you're just amazing.
You started the dream center in LA, which is bringing in the homeless people, bringing in the drug addicts, bringing in the people off the streets, bringing in at the time, even people that had aids, bringing them in housing, um, you know, feeding 'em and that's what they do. They'll house people or feed them. And then from there, we have the dream center in Phoenix and then other ministries, have done the same thing. Now there are over 300 of these dream centers in the world and they're increasing. So he started that whole thing. And then of course he started the campus on the church. It's got a gymnasium. I mean, it's got people come to church and they go, this just blows us away. This is just, it's beyond their imagination, I guess is the best way to say it. And he's always expanding. Now, Luke is just taking that, you know, and just taking it to another level because pastor Barnett has, has taught.
*We're still filming. We're not starting over. Is that okay? Is it working now? I must've hit something. Okay. You went quiet, dark on me. Yeah. I went dark on you because my mic went off. Okay. So I got a kind of a short cord on this, but so he's always taught We're having technical difficulties here.
Am I hot? Okay. I'm live. All right. Can you hear me now? Everything's coming through. Okay. Good.
And now tell me about Tony. Show them your show, your picture of you behind the scenes there so they can see you, Tony..
Just bought some new equipment and we're hooking it up and we're getting everything set up. We're working on it. Yeah. Yeah. That's good. But this is an important message and I'll finish it out. So he's always taught that if our God gives us something, it's beyond our ability and for business, man, that becomes very difficult. Sometimes they can't see.
It's something that they've never thought of. Now, guys, it's just for the next six months, God has told me to start thinking about something new and he's put something in my mind. And quite frankly, I can't even see it. I don't have any experience of it. We'll tell you about it later, what we're doing, but for right now, you know, it's just really one of those things it's beyond my imagination. If God doesn't help us, it won't get done. So that's the way your life becomes when you're walking with God. Now I'm going to read from you because God wants to what God said this morning was this in the same way that God wants to do exceedingly abundantly above all that you can ask or think he wants your relationship to be the same way he wants it to be exceedingly abundantly above what you could ask or think according to the power that works within you. Do you get that? This is very important. Probably need to write it down. God wants to do exceedingly abundantly above what you can ask or think.
We get limited in our thinking and as you know, the devil is going to try to steal the word from you. So he's going to try to make you think that you don't have it. We read, you know, that Enoch walked with God, and then God took him up. And we say, man, I would like to walk with God like that. Well, the fact of the matter is you do walk with God that way you do. But the devil has stolen that from us. The thought that we actually have that position with Christ. Jesus said my sheep, I know my sheep. And they follow me. They hear me and they follow me. That's just a fact. That's, that's the truth. Okay. That's more than a fact. That's the truth. We look at Elijah and we look at, uh, Elijah and Elijah wanted a double portion. So he says, I want a double portion. Well, you have a double portion. You have the fullness. Okay? So we get this thing that, that, that says, I want what they have when we don't realize that we have it. And God wants to take us in our relationship to an exceedingly abundantly higher level in our relationship. And the devil wants to steal that from us. And he wants to make it seem like it's unobtainable.
We can't obtain it. It's like I said in business, it's beyond my imagination. So I don't go after it. So God makes the devil wants you to think that it's beyond your imagination. And so you can't have it. You know, some people can get it, but you can't get it. It's like some people can get healed. It's God's will for them to be healed immediately. But it's not God's will for you to be healed immediately. No, it's, you know, God doesn't change. Okay. His word is the truth. Okay. He has his word. That's given any can't break his word. He can't lie. He can't say by his structure healed, but John is not going to be healed. Sally's not going to be healed right now. They have to wait until they get to have it. That's not true. It's not the way it works.
It's not, you know, um, Martin Luther King is going to have this fantastic relationship with the Lord, but, but not you, um, pastor Tommy Barnett is going to have this fantastic relationship with the Lord, but not you, you know, this, you know, pastor or that pastor, this person, and that person have this fantastic relationship, but it's not going to be you. You're not going to hear from God. No, that's wrong. God wants to take you. And do what's exceedingly abundantly in your relationship with him. That's far beyond and exceeds. Anything that you can imagine. And if you can't imagine it and you need help with him, it's from God. That's the way it works.
So I'm going to read through this, chapter three, I just feel like I should go through it. Paul's writing to a church at Ephesus. And he says, for this reason, I Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus for you Gentiles that's us. If indeed you have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God, which was given to me for you. How that by revelation, he made known to me the mysteries as I have briefly written already, by which when you read, you may understand my knowledge of the mystery of Christ, which in other ages was not made known to the sons of men as it has now been revealed by the spirit to the holy apostles and prophets. So here he's saying, okay, there is a mystery out there. It hasn't been given before to the profits. It's a mystery that God has kept hidden until Christ came.
And now this mystery of what's taken place in Christ. The knowledge of that, the revelation of that was given to Paul, okay, for the Gentiles. Now Peter preaches to the Jewish people. Paul went out to the Gentiles and that the Gentiles should be fellow heirs of the same body and partakers of his promise in Christ through the gospel, the good news of Christ of which I became a minister, according to the gift of the grace of God, given to me by the effecting of effective working of his power. Okay. So remember, power is the good news of the gospel is the power of God's salvation. To me who, who am less than the least of all the saints. We remember that Paul was out there persecuting the church. He killing people and he was taking responsibility for it, you know, while Peter and everybody else was, you know, preaching the gospel, the good news of Christ Paul was actually trying to destroy it.
Okay. So he says, not in the least of the saints, this grace was given to me that I should preach among the Gentiles, the unsearchable riches of Christ, and to make all, see what he is, the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the ages has been hidden in God who created all things through Christ Jesus. So here we see that this mystery was hidden, but now it's been revealed. And Paul is revealing this mystery to the Gentiles that we could be fellow heirs in the kingdom of God that we could, you know, be accepted by Christ through what he did. We can be accepted. We have the right standing to come before God in this mystery, we have this mystery was that we could have a relationship with him that would far exceed anything that was there previously because God put his because Jesus put his blood on the mercy seat. Okay. He gave us a right to exceed. What was the relationship that they had before? Did he say this? He said, John, the Baptist is the greatest of all the profits.
So, John, the Baptist was being led by the spirit of God. He was leading, living a life led by the spirit of God. And he was fully zealous for, you know, for the things of God. And he, he was the greatest of all the profits, but he's Jesus said, the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than John. We've been giving because of the blood of Christ because of what he did on the cross because we've been born again. Okay. We exceed in our relationship, anything that they had previously, we have a relationship with Christ that they couldn't have because we've been born of the spirit of God. It's been given to us what was lost by Adam. So we have this relationship and I'll, I'll continue to read to the intent that now the manifold wisdom of God might be made known by the church to the principalities and powers in heavenly places, according to the eternal purpose, which he accomplished in Christ Jesus, our Lord, oh man, this blows me away.
There's a, uh, a thing that's happened
When we got born again, when Jesus died and went to the cross and he, this wisdom that God did this, this incredible wisdom of God, he wanted it to be made known by the church, to the principalities and powers in heavenly places, everybody. I mean the angels, the Satan, the devils, everybody let them be, let, let them know what's happened. Let them know of the goodness of God. Let them know that we are born again by the spirit of God. He living on he's living inside of us. It's an incredible thing. That's happened in whom we have boldness and access with confidence, through faith in him. We have boldness and access with confidence. In other words, we can come boldly before the throne of God. We can come boldly before God we can come to have a relationship. I didn't have a strong relationship with my father because I didn't see him.
My mom and dad got a divorce when I was very, very young, but I didn't have any problem. When I, uh, connected with him again, later on in life, I didn't have any problem telling him I loved him. I didn't have any problem coming boldly into his house and be part of his household. My half-brothers, you know, I didn't have any problem being, you know, have a relationship with them. It didn't, you know, it was, they, they lived a life that was different from mine in, in, uh, another place. But I had no, no, um,
Feelings of inadequacy or, or I don't know any other feeling than just being a part of the family. I was bold in that. I was, I just felt like I was part of the family. And so I never had any combat, uh, any compelling thought that I would be anything other than part of the family. And they took me in as, as a family. And so my, when I got married, my, uh, my father says to his other oldest son was younger than me. But, um, he said, you know, I'm going to go down to, uh, Rome's wedding. And he said, who's wrong. He goes, he's your brother. He goes, I didn't know I had a brother.
I knew them when they were kids. I was older. I knew I knew I knew they, but they didn't know me, I guess. And he had forgotten, you know, probably when he was younger than he actually did have a brother. So it came as a surprise to him. But that's just, this is the way it is. We have a relationship that we can come boldly and we have access to this relationship that actually exceeds our expectations. It exceeds our imagining for this one reason, I bow my knee to the father of our Lord Jesus Christ from whom the whole family heaven and earth is named that he would grant you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with might through the spirit in the inner man. Now, Paul was actually praying this, okay, this is a prayer from, from Paul that you would, that, that he would grant you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with might through the spirit in the inner man that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith and that you being rooted and grounded in love may be able to comprehend with all the saints is the width and length and depth and height to know the love of Christ, which passes knowledge that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.
That's amazing. Okay. Paul's praying that, that we would be filled with all the fullness of God, but now get this. Cause the next one is powerful. That's verse 19 now to him, um, who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us, to him be glory in the church, by Christ Jesus, to all generations forever ever, and ever. Amen. You see how powerful that is. You see, he wants us to know the fullness that's inside of us in God. Okay. And any, he strengthens that by saying he's able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that. We think, see this mystery that's in that's God has hidden until now is all about us living in him all about us having this incredible relationship. That's above our imagination. When we look at the old Testament, it's almost like,
Almost feel sorry for Elijah. Almost feel sorry for her. [inaudible] no, I don't. Okay. When we realized that we have Christ living inside of us and we've been born again, something happened to us that far exceeded what they had and we're supposed to expect that relationship or that communion or that fellowship that we can talk to him and we can have dreams and visions. See, that was something that was four told. Joel said, you know, dreams and visions are going to come up, you know, on these people, God's going to talk to us. We're going to have dreams. We're going to have visions. We're going to have, you know, your young men are going to see the dream, have dream dreams and your old men. No, you're there. Your young men are going to see visions and your old men are going to dream dreams. I do both. So I'm just kind of right there in the middle,
But here, your
Sons and your daughters are going to prophesize the spirit of God's going to come on us. Okay. It came on then like fire, okay, it's going to come on us the same way. Now we have this relationship. That's available well to us, but we need to seek it. We need to go after it. We can't just assume that God is going to put it on us. We got to be hungry for it. Um, a few days ago I had Susan on here, my partner, and we've talked about her longing. And you know, it brought her to tears to even start thinking about the longing that she has to know him. And that's what we need. We need that longing to know him and the power of his resurrection. And to understand this fellowship that we have with his, his suffering and, and this uh, that we might be conformed to his death, that in some way that we would be able to let that power of God, that resurrection of God working in our life now, not waiting for that to happen when we get to have it. So we have to seek it. It's important that we seek it.
Now, this is going to be like the second part of what I'm going to say. This, this relationship that exceeds our expectation
Is when you're walking in faith,
It seems like some people don't step out in faith because it's painful. And we are created to Bush away from pain and we push away and we move into pleasure. That's our makeup. Okay. We can't help it. Okay. We don't, oh, there's hot fire. I'm going to get my hand, you know, into that fire so I can have the pain. No, we pull away from it. We push into what's pleasurable, man. These are candy bars, sweet and taste good. And man, I love this stuff. I want to eat one every five minutes. That's not good for us, but it's pleasurable. So we push into that. That's why people get into getting caught with, you know, other relationships and, and desires for other things because they find pleasure in that people get caught up in drugs because they find pleasure in it. People become alcoholics because they find pleasure in that.
But God is changing that instead. And you can, you can actually change that yourself. So it works like this. Stepping in phase, stepping out in faith for a lot of people is painful, but it's going to become pleasurable for you. It's going to switch so that you go ahead, lean into faith, and stepping out into what is impossible becomes pleasurable and holding back becomes painful. So it almost becomes like an adrenaline rush. I can't wait. People jump off buildings and do all these crazy things. Um, they, you know, they, they, you know, they kill themselves trying to do things that are, you know, because they're, you know, they have, they get an adrenaline rush. They're called adrenaline junkies. That's the way it becomes when you're stepping out in faith with God, you get through something. And it's like, oh man, that was cool. I want to do that again.
And I want to do that again. And I want to do that in every aspect of my life. I want to do that in my business. I want to do that. But see, here's the thing. It also becomes like an adrenaline rush. When you start having a relationship with the highest God, and he starts talking to you and giving you visions and giving you dreams and, and spending time with you and answering your questions, it becomes exciting. Sounds pleasurable. And once you get into that, you don't want to get out of it. You want to go on the next day, the next day, the next day. So, you know, the Romans all show, I do five days a week, but I don't stop talking to God on the weekends. I don't stop talking to God when I'm going on vacation. I still got to take my book and write things down because God's always talking to me and I'm always talking to him.
I'll talk to him about everything. Sometimes when I'm driving, I remember driving through Columbia. Gorgeous, absolutely beautiful. You got the water and you know, it's you got the Gorge. And I said, man, God, you did, you know, you put this thing together. It's just beautiful. He goes, I didn't do it. I said what? He said, no, I didn't do it. I didn't build the dam. I didn't make the lake there. It was a river before. Yeah, it's beautiful now, but I didn't build a dam. I was like, oh, okay. It's still beautiful. I still appreciate it. We'll see that kind of relationship with God is pleasurable. It's something that we seek after because it becomes like a man talking to God is so spending time with God is so cool. You know, when he tells me to do something, it's just so awesome. It's an adrenaline rush to do things for God.
And we have to understand that pleasure. We have to press into it and that pleasure will take over and is taking over. And that's what's happening in this great awakening that we're in right now, is this becoming more and more pleasurable for people to step in and have that relationship or that fellowship with God that they never had before. And it's going to flip the world upside down because the children of God are going to find this so pleasurable to be part of what's going on in their life, that they are going to, you know, they're going to grab it. I'm going to read one more scripture to you. [inaudible]
And I'm going to read this Matthew 25 in verse 21. I'm going to read it out of the amplified Bible. So Jesus is teaching about the parable of the talents and he sends the, uh, servants away and he gives them a certain amount of money and one does really well. The next one does, you know, they double their money and the third one buries it in the ground. You've probably heard this story before, but to the first one, the master said to him, well done, you upright, honorable admirable, and faithful servant. You have been faithful and trustworthy over a litter. Little, I will put you in charge of much. I get this entry in and share the joy, the delight, the blessing, this which your master enjoys. That's the key here.
God wants us to enter into the joy that he has. Okay. His enjoyment is us having this fellowship with him and him telling us, okay, do this, do this, take my instruction, follow this. And we do that. And then he says, oh, well done. You know, good and faithful service servant, enter into the joy, to the blessing, this, to the absolute pleasure that I enjoy, that God enjoys. And he's saying that about us. He enjoys the relationship that we have with him. He enjoys giving us instruction. He enjoys watching us move and watching us do what he's telling us to do. Stepping out in faith and walking in faith, not knowing where we're going to go. And that becomes pleasurable for us and becomes like, why can adrenaline high actually sweater comes and that's what's happening in the world today. People are getting, people are getting excited about having fellowship with Jesus Christ. It's amazing. So I want to invite you to do the same. I'm going to pray for you father, the same prayer that Paul prayed, that they would come to the, to the knowledge that, of this mystery of who they are in Christ and come into this fellowship, that's beyond their imagination. And I pray that in the name of Jesus, I'm going to keep it real simple. All right, we'll see you tomorrow.