The Rone Dolph Show came from spending time in prayer. As I started writing out my goals I had a thought come to my mind that wasn't associated with anything I was thinking about at the time. I call these thoughts, "alien thoughts," because they are not associated with anything I have thought of at the present or in the past. I have come to recognize them as thoughts coming from the Holy Spirit. So I wrote the name down and started thinking about it. The first thought was I have never thought of doing anything remotely like this. I am not qualified or gifted in this area. I don't have the slightest interest in video or doing a show. The thought is totally alien to any kind of ministry I have ever imagined. So it must be from God.
The only experience I have ever had with film or video went horribly bad. I was once interviewed by a news show for my business and another time was part of a commercial for another business I owned. Both came out so bad I don't think they were used. So this is what I thought, I have no desire, no training, not gifted to talk on camera, I forget words sometimes so I don't flow, I'm older now, I don't want to start learning more stuff. God this must be the only time you made a mistake. The only thing that made sense to me was my passion to minister and help business people. People need to know God wants to help them in business. And I know this is how God does things. His power is made perfect in our weakness, 2 Corinthians 12:9. He gives us things to do that will require us to use faith to accomplish. So He will get the glory. Without Faith, it is impossible to please him.
This is how we learn the ways of God by following Him in our daily lives. The only person in the bible that it was said that Jesus marveled at his faith was a Centurion who learned about authority from his job. He told Jesus that He didn't have to come to his house to pray for his servant, all he had to do was speak the word and his servant would be healed. God wants to do the same thing in your business that he did for that Centurion. God wants to give you ideas that are bigger than you think you can do. Things that will require you to grow your faith. Because without faith it is impossible to please Him. When you patiently trust God he gets the glory and you get the story of what He did. So most of the shows are about people who are doing extraordinary things that people might marvel at. Some of the shows are there just to help you with marketing and business ideas. We are here to help in any way we can.
Are you looking for more help with your business or ministry? This is exactly what we've been called to do. God is eager to help you with every part of your life and that includes your business. So if this sounds like you then please get in touch with us!
We want to help you with a variety of your business or ministry needs! Use the forms below to quickly get in touch with us. We look forward to working with you!
Are you discontent with where you are at in life? Or just need someone thinking of you to help you through a difficult time? We're happy to add you to our prayer lists.
If you're interested in inviting Rone Dolph to your church, business, or other ministry to speak then use this form. We're happy to get back in touch with you and discuss further.
Are you looking to get in contact with us or maybe looking to inquire further on visiting the show? Send us a quick message and we will get back to you.