
Blog Posts

September 9, 2021
I have a word from God for you today. It wasn’t really what I was thinking about, I just couldn’t get it out of my mind. I’ve been ministering to so many people, I keep ministering over and over again about God’s power is made perfect in our weakness. It's just kind of a catchphrase, but it’s really in our inability to figure things out. Just the way things move in our lives and our business. And so this word is kind of for business people because that's who I've been talking to. But at the same time, it's also for anybody doing business of any kind in the marketplace or just in your life, and that it has to do with certain things that happened. And I'm sure this has happened to many of you out there. And this is why I feel that God wants me to talk about it. It’s because you're praying for things, you're praying for answers. And then the answer seemed to come and as soon as your focus on them, they move away. As soon as you think, Hey, here's the answer. And so you turn your focus on it and out it goes. It's like what's going on? The answer to that is just really simple. It’s a problem that we have that the favor of God brings answers into our life. But as soon as we changed the focus from focusing on him to focusing on what we think the answer is, it moves away from us. And it comes down to this experience that I had. When I was younger, I just got out of teaching karate. That was my life at the time. And I decided to go into sales. I didn't have any training in that way and I had a mentor that was mentoring me in sales. And so I would look at different jobs and I would ask God, God will this job meet my need for my family? That sounds like a wonderful prayer. And then I would go, is this one better or is this one better? I'd look at different jobs. And as it is in sales, a lot of times you work for one job and then you do that for a year or something, and then you go to a different job. And so it wasn't like I'm looking for jobs every day, but I was working on straight commission and so I would ask God, you know, will this position meet the need for my family? And I never got an answer. After 2 or 3 years of not getting an answer, so finally I thought, Hey God talks to me all the time. Why isn't he answering my question? And so I just said, God how come you're not answering my question when I ask you, and immediately he answered, because you're asking me if this job is going to meet your need. And I can't answer that question because I'm the one who meets your need, not the job. That has stuck with me forever and now more than ever it's making, as I start ministering to more and more people, God starts giving me more wisdom. This principle of our God meeting our needs is more relevant today than at any other time in probably our life. And it comes down to this idea that when we focus on something, that's going to meet our needs. We're not focusing on Christ to meet our needs. Okay. What we're doing is we change our focus from God over on to something that seems like it's going to be the solution. Now for business people, it could be that you're going to get a contract. And so you're in this position and Hey, I'm going to get this contract. And then right before you sign it and get it signed, it moves off. Or it could be a loan, or it could be maybe a supply line or maybe you're going to make a sale selling insurance or it's going to be a big sale. I remember that happening one time. It could be a lot of different things. As soon as you start focusing on that being the solution, it moves away from you. And the reason is that God doesn't want things to be the solution. He wants him to be the solution. And so once something becomes our source, we get out of step with the Holy Spirit. The Lord is our source. And once we changed our focus from him being our source to something else, being our source, and I don't know how to say this exactly, but what seems like is going to be the answer to what our need is. Once we focus on that being the source for that need, we change our focus from focusing on him, to what we think is a solution. This is going to be the solution to my business. And that's where we mess up. So we can't look at what we think are solutions. We have to always concentrate and focus on God being our solution. So I've said this to several people, I pray for things, for answers, and different things like that. But I also pray for the unknown. I pray for what I don't know. And God said, don't wonder how, in other words, not to wonder how, because we start changing our focus and we start wondering how this is going to happen. Well, how's this going to happen? And how's that going to happen? And all of that leads down to is just doubt and unbelief. In other words, I don't know how that's going to happen. I don't know how that's going to work out. And then the next thing that happens is something comes and it looks like a solution. And we go, well, that must be it. That must be the source. And so we start focusing on that. And as soon as we do that, we get close. It moves away. Why? Because God's calling us to a position that's higher than where we're at. And it works this way. When you get born again, you'll start believing God for things and it seems like they happen right away. But as we progress in our relationship with him, our faith is required at higher and higher levels. So you might be at a level. And it seems like when you get born again and you believe for something. When I got born again I was teaching karate and my paycheck met all my bills and it didn't leave much leftover. And so I gave a tithe and people were giving me food and it was salmon. I mean smoked salmon, cans of smoked salmon, fresh salmon. We never ran out eating salmon. Now a lot of people would like to be in that position because they love salmon. Well, I was eating it almost every day for a while. It just kept pouring in, but then there's another level where you have to exercise your faith for bigger things and you have to keep moving up and moving up and moving up because God is always bringing you up to a higher level where your faith needs to progress to. And so now you're at a level where he expects you to focus on him more than you did before. Maybe it's not quite the way. It's just that now you're dealing with bigger numbers, you're beating bigger situations, your employees, you have employees now. Now you have a bigger overhead, you have all of these things and you need to exercise your faith for these bigger things. So we get distracted because we think that something is going to be our source. And as soon as we do that, we lose our focus on God being our source. And what happens here is we're getting into a situation that seems disastrous. It seems like it is absolutely the worst possible situation that we could be in or the worst possible thing that we could do. And it is exactly what we need. Okay. So you may go, God may tell you to go apply here. Well, I'm not gonna apply there because if I do that, their salary or their sales thing is not gonna pay my bills. But God's telling you to do it anyway. God may tell you to do something in your business. And it might at first make a lot of sense. In other words, you're growing. And so you have this problem in your businesses going under, and you're asking for wisdom from God, and he gives you the solution and goes, oh, that makes a lot of sense. I wonder why I haven't thought of that before. But then as you grow in your faith, he'll start telling you more hidden secrets that are made for you. That doesn't make sense. In other words, they look like they could be a disaster if you took those on, but they're exactly what you need. Because God has hidden something for you. And when you take your focus off of him and you look at what seems like the natural solution, you're missing God. And so he's trying to get you to find these hidden solutions. These hidden secrets have been hidden for you, not hidden from you, but hidden for you. And so you have to focus on that. And so what I'm learning and that I've been learning is how to relax in a situation where I don't wonder how things are going to work out. So I'll give an example. Last night, I went out with my wife. We were going to go to a restaurant. She likes to go to this one restaurant and we pull in, we get out of the car and she just stops and goes, what are we doing? You know you don't like this place. This is not your type of restaurant. I said, Hey, don't worry about it. Just relax and flow with it. Okay. You know, I don't know how things are going to work out. I don't know anything. Okay. Let's just flow with it. And I've just learned to be in that situation, we went in, we had a wonderful time. God spoke to me and the food that, I might not have liked, I had and I liked it. She was looking at me like you don't normally like that food. I'm going, no, it's really good. And it was, and we had a really good time. We had a wonderful time. It seems like a small thing, but it's really not because it's being comfortable walking into situations that look like they could be a disaster. I'm fine with that. You see, I've learned how to be fine with this. We were ministering to somebody yesterday, my partner and I, and we were kind of laughing. And I said, we were talking earlier, cause we talked back and forth and we share the word and we share about the peace of God, you know, passing understanding. And, Susan is my partner, she at first, she almost didn't want to say it, but I knew what she was going to say. I said it's like, you feel guilty for being at peace. And she goes, yeah, that's exactly right. You see, everybody else is all worried and stuff. You know about their situation where no, we got this. Why? Because we'll keep focusing on him. We don't care about the stuff around us. You know, God's going to meet our needs and that's all we do. We don't think about anything else. We just know he's going to meet our needs. How? I don't care how. He told me not to wonder how so I'm not even going to wonder how. If something comes and it looks like the solution might be, but I don't care. Okay. Because I'm not changing my focus off of him onto something else that looks like it might be what I need this thing over here may look like I don't need that, but it may be what God wants me to take. Okay. But I can't see it. You see, I can wonder about things and I can kind of figure things out in my mind. And I can think, well, they're going to kind of work this way or that way. But I've learned to tell the difference between what's in my head and what's coming to me from the Spirit of God and what's coming to me from the enemy. And so even though I might think this is going to work a certain way, I don't focus on that. I keep my focus on him because I know that I don't have to figure this out. I've gotten very, very comfortable in walking with him and not wondering how things are going to happen. Just being totally comfortable. So with my wife and I, you know, I said, Hey, don't worry. Don't worry about it. It's going to be okay. Well, I just knew. I just had that peace. I didn't care about the restaurant. Okay. It may not have been my first choice. It wasn't my first choice. My wife and I have other restaurants that we like to go to, but she wanted to go to this. Now that seems like such a small thing, but it's just not. So I'm going to give you a couple of scriptures over here in Second Corinthians. This has really been one of the scriptures that I've been talking to people about so much lately. And Paul, he's writing this letter to a church in Corinthians. It's a second letter. And he's talking to them about the different problems that they're having and correcting them and giving them instruction. And he said, he's talking about boasting. And he says, I'm going to kind of get over into the flesh here a little bit. And you know, boasts about these things because other people are coming to them and they're boasting about who they are and you know, their position and why they should listen to them. And it's like somebody walking around with their chest out, you know who I am and I can tell you how good I am. And I'm wonderful. Paul follows, just like the opposite. He's going, listen, I've been through a lot. I have this thorn on my side and I've asked God three times to get rid of it. I've been in deep trouble. And God told me my grace or my favor is sufficient for you because in your weakness, my power, my strength is made perfect in your inability to produce results. And so Paul says, you know, Hey, he says, so then I will boast most gladly about my weakness so that the power of Christ may reside in me. Therefore, I am content with weakness, with insults, with troubles, with persecution, with difficulties, for the sake of Christ, for whenever I am weak, then I am strong. Yeah. See, when he says persecution, it's not like today, you know where people are saying, well, it is kind of like today a little bit, because we're getting into some serious persecution, you know, on the church today. But for Paul back then the persecution was, they stoned him. They left him for dead and the disciples came and they carried him off and he came back to life. But that was his persecution. They just stoned him. So, you know, we have persecution like this too. We have, churches that aren’t closing down. And so they're charging him like a thousand dollars a day in fines because they won't close their church because we have a constitutional right to have church and the government isn't supposed to interfere in our church. But they're trying to put fear on us and say, Hey, you have to close your church. This in the past, we're not doing that right now, but they've had hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines and they say, I don't care where we're still gonna have church. That's what they've done. So for some churches that have been persecuted, they have been persecuted because they haven't complied because they believe in the constitution and their churches have grown. And the ones who have tried to comply, their churches collapsed. And now they're out of, out of business, so they have to start over again. So he says, therefore, I am content with weakness, with insults, with troubles. You remember that Paul, He said, I feel bound by the Holy Spirit to go to at the time of Pentecost and everybody was warning him, Paul, you're going to be bound up. They're going to bind you up. And he says, I don't care. I don't care about that. I feel bound by the Holy Spirit to go on some I'm going okay. I'm not worried about anything, but God was getting him ready, preparing him for what was going to happen. And it wasn't pulling him back. His grace was sufficient for him. Okay. And he's become an example for us to be able to walk in whatever God gives us. And to know that he's going to take care of us. And his favor is going to be on us. See his favor attracts solutions. They attract opportunities into our life. But the moment we focus on those opportunities and we don't listen to God and focus on him, they move away from us. And that's a concept that we have to understand because there's some of you out there and you're in that situation where it seems like it's coming and then it moves away and you don't know why that's happening. And the reason why that happens is that you're changing your focus from off of him onto something. And I've recently had this happen where something came, an opportunity came and it didn't look like it was going to be a good opportunity at first, I was just like, well, whatever I didn't really care. And then I went to God and I said God, should I take this opportunity? Because you know, I don't think it's really something for us at this time. And God said, well, you shouldn't do it this way, but you should do it this way. I said, okay. So I didn't know how we were going to do it, but he told me how to do it. And I took that opportunity, but I didn't really care. I didn't change. I didn't think of that as being a solution. I didn't think of that as being my source. I kept my focus on him, but that was just an unknown source. Do you see? I kept my focus on him. I looked at it. Yeah. Whatever, you know, should I take it or not? Okay. It never became my source. It's not my source today. It's just something that came. I asked God about it. He told me how to do it. I said, okay, I did it. And that's it. But my focus is still on the Lord. He's the source. And I don't change that every time my mind starts looking at things as being a source, I cut it off. I don't let that imagination come into my mind. I don't care about those things. God is going to meet my need. God is the one that meets my need. Nothing else meets my need. Philippians 4:19. We'll just look at that real fast. He says, and my God shall supply my need according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. I love the scripture. I'm going to tell you something about this scripture. Some people think that God's going to supply only what you need and nothing else. No, I only have one need and that need is for every promise in the Bible to be manifested in my life. And some of those promises are very important. Like Psalms 21, God will give me the desires of my heart. He will not withhold the requests of my lips. You have desires that are put in you for your business, to expand your business that is from God. But as soon as you make them the focus, then you're getting out of step with the Holy Spirit. So I say, well, God I'd like this or I'd like that, you know, he's pushing that into me, but that's not going to be the source of my pleasure. It's not going to be a thing that gives me, my joy is the best way to say it. In other words, people will go after things, I want a new motorcycle, and then I've got to have a new boat. And then I got to have this and I got to have that. And those things just become distractions and you have fun, but they don't bring them, they don't bring the peace of God. They don't bring the delight that the Lord brings. They're just distractions. You might want a bigger house or something like that. But when you get in it, you just want something more. Okay. I just joke with people all the time because people, you know, we talk about cars. I like cars. I want to buy a new car every day. It doesn't matter if I buy a car, the next day I want to buy a new car. I see another car. I like it. Oh, I like that car. Oh, I like that car. Every day, I'd like to buy a new car, but then I'm sitting in my truck and I'm happy. What's the other car going to give me that this car doesn't give me. I drove around in a car for a long time and I was very happy with it. I didn't buy a new one until the transmission went out, but I was happy with that car. There were a lot of things I liked about that car. Even though I looked at other cars and I liked those cars, I thought, but you know, when I'm driving my car, what's the difference. I'm looking out the windshield. I don't look at anything else. Okay. So it's not the source of my happiness. It's not the source of my peace. It's not the source of my joy. Things don't do that for me. He does that for me. But as long as I keep my focus on him, as long as my delight is in the Lord, he gives me the desires of my heart. But the desires of my heart are not locked up in material things. That seems kind of weird because he's telling you, he's pushing you to expand your business and that's the desire of your heart. And so you go, okay, and you step forward to expand your business. And it is a desire of your heart. And he says to you, I will not withhold the requests of your lips, but at the same time, you don't lose focus off of God. Okay? I'm expanding my business. It is a desire of my heart. God has put that desire is there, but the thing of expanding your business is not the source of your joy. He is. And that's the difference. It can be a slight variant, but it makes all the difference in the world. What I've noticed when I'm listening to different pastors over the years and different people in their struggles, but especially pastors, because they're always trying to push you and always trying to lean into the Spirit of God to see what he has to say. And there's something that seems to come in, but then move out. And there's something that they have to change. Some little tiny tweak that needs to be tweaked, and God is trying to get them into a different level. Once they tweak it, the doors open up, and these things flood in. And for a lot of us, it's a focus of changing him as being our source into thinking that that, because our favor from God has brought something to us that that is now our source to our need. No, we can't look at it as a source to our need because as soon as we do that, we're going to push it away. Okay? God supplies our needs. Through the power that works within us, Christ Jesus, it's the favor of God that brings things into our life. And that favor is actually pouring into our life. It's actually pulling opportunities into our life. It's actually pulling solutions into our life, but we can't take our focus off of Jesus meeting our needs, to focus on things being the source for our needs. Seems like a fine thing, but it's very, very important because God's power is made perfect in our inability to produce results. So that's why I actually like Paul, I could boast in being able to go into a situation and I don't know where I'm going with it. I don't know what the outcome's going to be. And I'm perfectly at peace in doing that. And that's something that I've been gaining ground in. It's a marker in my life that I've gained some ground in. And so I'm okay with that. I delight in that. I think it's fun. See, I look at The Rone Dolph Show. Where’s it going? What's it going to turn into? How's it going to turn in a certain direction? What's going to happen? I don't know. And I'm okay with not knowing, I'm okay, with as long as I keep my focus on him. I'm okay. And I don't let people speak in and say, well, I think you should do this. Or I think this is, I can see this happening and I can see that happening. No, no. If God hasn't told me, I'm not interested. Okay. If you give me a word, it better confirm what's inside my heart. There's a story of a prophet and God told him to go and speak and then go right back and not talk to anybody. And on the way back, a prophet said, well, God told me that you could come in and eat with me. And so he did, but he then when he went out a lion ate him. Because he didn't do what God said he was trying to do with somebody else, the direction somebody else was telling him, but that he wasn't being correct. So I've learned to be very, very careful and keep my focus on what the Lord is saying. Hebrews chapter three, it's another one of my favorite scriptures, because it’s become very meaningful, meaningful to me. He says, oh, that today you would listen as he speaks, do not harden your heart. As in the rebellion, in the day of testing in the wilderness. There your father's tested me and tried me. And they saw my works for 40 years. And when we think of testing, we think of testing in kind of a negative way. No, they were actually stepping out in what God told them to do, but they were doing it grudgingly. They were going through three days in the wilderness. They came up to the red sea, which looked like an absolute impossibility. When I was talking, when I just said a few minutes ago, God bringing you into something that looks like it could be disastrous. And yet he's telling you to do it. That's the way it was for these children of Israel coming out of Egypt, they came into what looked like a disastrous situation, the red sea in front of them, the army behind them. That's disastrous. But sometimes God leads us into what we think as being a disaster so that we can know that we can trust him. We can take our eyes off of what we think is going to be our source and keep our eyes on him, knowing that he is our source. And that's what we have to understand. So when we get up to the red sea, it's easy to understand that, Hey, I got to keep looking at God. But when you think that you have a solution to your problem, okay. And you think, okay, this is a solution. You take your focus off of God onto that as being the source for your solution. Now you're in trouble. Okay. So that's what was happening to them. Okay. They got up to the red sea, they saw a mighty miracle. Then they got three days into the desert and they start complaining. Okay. God, you're just trying to kill me. You've brought me out in here into the wilderness, just to destroy me. No, brought you up there so that you might learn the ways of God, so that you might learn to keep your focus on him and know that he's going to come through for you. So they only did that for 40 years and they still couldn't get ahold of the message. And so, because of that, he got angry with them and he said, you'll never enter into my rest because of that because they couldn't get a hold of keeping their focus on the Lord and knowing that he was gonna come through for them. And that's an important lesson for us. What may look like a disastrous situation may be exactly the answer and the solution to what we need in our business. And it gives glory to God. You see when the children of Israel went through and they had to fight different armies and they were conquering the armies when God told them to go up and fight this army. And they would defeat it. When they refuse to go, then God said, okay don't go. No, no we're going to go now. No, you refused. Okay. I said, okay, now you want to go, don't go. Because you're going to get beat. Okay. No, no. We're going to go anyway. No, they got, they got wiped out. But when they finally went over into the promised land, the spies went out and they said, listen, we've heard about what God's doing in your life. We're afraid of what God's doing in your life. Because God gets the glory in our weakness, in our inability to produce results. When we get into a situation that looks like it has no impasse. That's where God's power is made. Perfect and gives him glory and people around us. See, wow, God's really working for you. Yes, he is. And so that's what happened. I like to read sometimes out of the message translation because it really puts things into words that we're accustomed to. So I'm going to read it out of the message today. Please listen, don't turn a deaf ear to what God's saying. As in the bitter uprising, that time of wilderness testing, even though they watched me at work for 40 years, your ancestors refused to let me do it my way. Over and over they tried my patience and I was provoked, oh, so provoked. I said, they'll never keep their minds on God. They refuse to walk down my road. Exasperated I vowed, they'll never get where they're going. They're never able to sit down and rest. You see the only time that we can get into the rest that God has for us is when we keep our eyes on what he's doing and keep our eyes on him being the answer to our prayers, that my God shall supply my need according to his riches and glory. Nothing else is going to supply, only what he's going to supply and I trust in that. Now I can get into a rest. And when you get into that rest, you almost feel guilty. It seems like I gotta be worrying. No, no, we shouldn't be worrying, but you get into that situation. I know some of you are out there and you're thinking, yeah, I know exactly what you're talking about. Do you know? It seems like you gotta be worried because everybody else gets worried in this situation. No, no, we're the opposite. We're supposed to be at rest. We're supposed to be at peace. No, we're not. We're not guilty about it. Matter of fact, we should proclaim it. So the people will see us and go, wow, something's going on? Something's going on with those people. God wants to work in your life. And he wants to be the source of every need that you have. And he wants people to recognize that he's working in you so that he gets the glory. So Matthew six says, of course, seek first, the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. So remember I said, the favor of God brings all these things that everybody else has after and he brings those to us. We just can't look at them as being any kind of source for what we need. And that's in verse 33. Now in verse 31, I talked about this yesterday, it says, therefore, take no thought saying what shall we eat? Having any kind of concern over our needs. Don't take any thought. In the New King James version, he says, therefore do not worry. Saying, don't worry saying how is my need going to be met? How can I get by? You've told me to do this God, now how can I do this? It seems like everything is coming and it's leaving. How can I? Don't take the worry and say it. Out of the abundance of your heart, your mouth speaks. Okay. So what do you say? You say this, but seek first, the kingdom of God, I'm seeking the kingdom of God. I'm focusing my focus on the Lord. Okay. My favor that God has given me. He gave me that favor even before I was born again when I was just a sinner doing stupid stuff. Those were the things that I shouldn't have been doing at all. I knew better, but they were the lust of the flesh. I did them anyway. And he was still giving me his favor. He still protected me. And when the time came and I recognized his worries about what you need and start saying it, You capture worries and you bring them into submission to the word of God. Therefore take no thought. Then King James says, therefore, don't take a worry. First of all, don't take it. And second don't say it. Okay. Because when you say it, you take it instead, you bring it into captivity. How do you do that? By seeking first, the kingdom of God and his righteousness. And then all these things that everybody else is running after coming to you. So the thought comes well, I'm not going to be able to get over this situation. And that thought is actually in the form of a worry, but you don't take it. No, no, no, no, no. I'm going to seek the kingdom of God first. I'm going to ask God, maybe what looks like a road that I need to go down doesn't look like the best road, but I'm going to ask God about it. Maybe this solution isn't a solution that I think that I can take hold of. In other words, it's going to cost me such and such. I don't have the money right now. I can't do this. But you don't look at that. You go, God, should I do this? And God says, yes, you should. Well, I don't have the money for it. That has nothing to do with it. We seek first, the kingdom of God and all of his righteousness. I might go, God, should I do this? Cause I don't have the money for it. And God says, yeah, do it go, okay. How do I do it? And then he tells you something else comes and you go, man, that looks like that's going to fit right in. Should I do it? And God says, no, don't do it. But God, it's not going to cost me anything. It's free. It's going to be given to me. No, no, don't do it. Okay. Don't touch it. Okay. I'm won’t touch that. But this thing I can't do, I'll do it now. It's a fun life. I mean, it gets really exciting doing life this way. It's incredible how much fun it is. And yes, sometimes you can feel a little guilty for having so much fun in the midst of all this stuff. I've talked about this before, he prepares a table before us in the midst of our enemies. He describes that table as being overflowing. It's a cup overflowing. You gotta be careful because something could drop off the table. Something could fall off the table. It's full and yet there's chaos running around you. But we don't run around the world, the world runs around us. This is where we're supposed to be. You’re thinking Rone, I don't want to be here. No, this is where you're supposed to be. You're supposed to be in a position where you don't know how things are going to work out and you calmly walk in it because God tells you to walk in it and you have a blast when you do it. I'm telling you it's so much fun. I mean, it is so much fun to learn how to trust God. So we don't worry about it. We definitely don't take the worry and these thoughts and say them. We only say what God tells us to say. So the opposite is true. In other words, we don't take the thoughts and the worry and say them. So what we do is we say what the word of God says. That's how we answer those thoughts and worries. We answer them with the word spoken out of our mouths. That's what Jesus did. Well, Jesus just make this stone into bread, and then you can eat it. No, he says the word. Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that comes out of his mouth, that's what we're going to live by. Okay. So we don't take these thoughts and we especially don't say them, we do the opposite. We say what the word says. Philippians 4:6, going back to Philippians 4 and I'm going to read this out of two translations again. The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding will guard your heart and your minds in Christ Jesus. You see, he's telling us that the peace that God gives us surpasses your understanding. Yeah. I don't understand it. I really don't. That's why you feel guilty about it sometimes like, well, everybody else's worried about this and I'm not, maybe there's something wrong with me. No, there’s nothing wrong with you. The peace of God surpasses understanding when you keep your focus on him and you're relying only in him, then this peace comes on you and it surpasses your understanding. It doesn't make sense, but you got it anyway. The message translation says don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it a sense of God's wholeness. That's peace, wholeness, everything coming together for good will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life. You see Christ displaces, the anointed one displaces the worry and thoughts. So when these things are coming and they look like they are going to be the source of our problem or the source of the need that we have in our life. We don't focus on it. We don't think it's a source. We let Christ be the center of our source. And then the wholeness, the peace cause that's what peace is, the wholeness. It's going to surpass your understanding. You're going to be made complete. So we just have to continually make him our source and not let anything else take its place because the moment we do, we push solutions away from us. So I know this is the answer for some people out there that you've been wondering about this situation, cause it's been happening in your life. And when you make Christ the center, then his peace passes all understanding. And so when you get over into only concentrating on him, then these things that seem to come in and go away, opportunities come and they leave. These things keep bouncing. You don't care about it. You just know that he's going to supply your need. And in that, you get into this peace that surpasses understanding you don't understand how it works. But you just know that God is meeting your need, period. What was it going to be? This or that or this or that? I don't know. I'll ask him. Okay. And maybe the thing that I think is going to be a disaster is actually what he's going to tell me to go after, or he's going to tell me to do something and I can't afford, or he's gonna tell me to do something that maybe you're in sickness and maybe you can't walk. And what he's going to tell you to do is run instead. I've heard stories of that. I've heard stories where somebody was crippled from something and they were in a wheelchair and God said, get up and walk. And they got up. And so they put their feet on the ground and they start walking and they're walking with a cane or something. And one day God says, I want you to run. Why run? I can barely walk. I'm using a cane or a walker. How am I going to run? But they put it to the side and they start running. Well, that seems like a disaster. You're going to fall on your face. No, because God said to run, you see faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. But it's his word, his Holy Spirit word, speaking to us and making the word, what's in the Bible alive to us. And so we act on what he says and we see a phenomenal result. We do things that he tells us to do. Things that don't make any sense. I've shared this story with you before, I've done this many, many times, but this last time that I did this it was just kind of memorable. This lady says, man, my back is really sore. And she goes, oh my back. You know how people with their back is, cause you know, their back really sore. And I said, well, sit here. I said, in the name of Jesus, you're healed. Sit here in this chair. She sits down in this chair. I said, okay, stand up. She stands up. I said, okay, sit down. She sits down. I said, okay, stand up. She stands up the second time. And she goes, my back is healed. I don't have any pain in my back. She starts jumping up and down. So that didn’t make sense, didn’t make any sense whatsoever. But it was what the Spirit of God said to do. You may be hearing something. So like today, I've been talking to people about this very same thing that I spoke about today. But I was expecting God to lead me in a different direction, but I couldn't get it out of my mind. So I said, okay, well that's what God wants me to say. You see, God's going to tell you things and you just have to act on it. You have to be willing to act on what God is telling you to do even though it's not going to make sense. You may be in a situation right now and you need healing in your body. And God's going to tell you you need to do something. Do it. If it doesn't make sense, it's probably God. You may need a financial miracle in your business. He's telling you to do something, do it. Well, that doesn’t make sense, do it. Well, I can't do it, do it anyway. Well, that's going to seem foolish. Yes, it's supposed to. It's supposed to confuse the wise. It's supposed to confuse the strong. It's supposed to confuse those people that are in business around you that say you can't do it. Do it anyway. So father, we just thank you for this time. We thank you for your word and we thank you that this word is for people out there, that you are people that are experiencing God. And this is an answer to something that you needed. It's an answer to a problem that you had. And because of this, you're going to change your focus. And now the favor of God is going to start rushing in like a flood. And He is going to be your source for everything you need and everything he's telling you to do in Jesus name. All right. We'll see you tomorrow and we'll have another word from God for you, but until then have a great, great day. Experience God all day long. Expect to have God talk to you today in Jesus' name.
July 2, 2021
Well, that's mercy, me and this is Rone with The Rone Dolph Show. And I love that song. It's called say I won't. And it's about really it's about people saying, you know, we can't do it. We won't do it. It's not going to happen. God's not going to do it for you. Well, I'm here to tell you that they're wrong and we're right. And the Bible's right. So today we're going to be talking about, and it's Friday, but today we're going to be talking about the order in getting the promise. You see, there's an order to it. We don't understand that sometimes, but we have to understand the order if we're going to get to the promise. And so it's important that we do that and get ahold of that. So I'm going to start with Exodus, chapter 14, and I was reading this and it just hit me. It was amazing to me because actually it's chapter 14, starting in verses 16 and 17. But you know, I've said before that I had this vision from God and God drew a line in the sand and it was red. And his side of the sand was reddish sand. And he was standing on that side. I was standing on the other side and he said, you stay on your side, you do what I'm going to tell you to do, and I'm going to do my part. You're going to do what you're supposed to do. I'm going to do my part. And so, you know, I've had other visions since then, when you know, I'm being doing something and all of a sudden I can tell that I stepped over the side. I could actually see it. I stepped on his side and try to do what he was supposed to do and not what I'm supposed to do. And in business, a lot of times that's very easy for business people to do that, try to step over and make things happen instead of letting God make it happen. And the more that I meditate on this, the more that I understand this, the better I get at it. In other words, even in my relationships with people and stuff, instead of getting upset or unhappy, I just pray about it. I just say, God, I need you to do your part. Okay. And I'm going to do my part. I'm going to stay in the fruit of the spirit. So we're going to talk about this. Let's start with verse 16. And it says as for you, and then in 17, it says, as, for me, he starts off by saying and talking to Moses. And he says, as for you, Moses, as for you, this is what you're going to do. And as for me, this is what I'm going to do, Moses. So I'm not going to read everything he says right now, I'm going to point out this process. As for you, Moses, you're going to do this as for me, I'm going to do this. You see, that's what God is telling us. As for you. I want you to do this. And as for me, this is what I'm going to do. That's a principle that we have to understand. There's also order in this. He didn't say, Moses, I'm going to do this. And then you're going to do this. No, he said, Moses, as for you, this is what you're going to do. As for me, this is what I'm going to do. In other words, Moses, on one side, God's on the other side, Moses, this is what you're going to do. Then this is what I'm going to do. You see there's Moses and God Moses, you're going to do this first. I'm going to do this second. As Christians we want the first move to be made by God. God, I want you to move first. And then I'll move. I want a sign from you before I move. I don't want to have to pray and spend time with you and get to know you and get to learn your voice and get the wisdom. I just want you to move first and then I'll know, I want to see you move first. I want to see in the natural that you're moving first. I want to get, you know, something to happen first that I can see it. And then I'll move. Now sometimes, you know, God can do that. I was listening to somebody give their testimony and they were of a different faith that believes in dreams. And so they were being witnessed to over a period of four years. And he said, you know, finally, he asked God to give me a dream and God gave him a dream. So that was something that he could, you know, latch on to. But his faith has been building. He had been hearing the word, he had been doing what he was supposed to do, what God had directed him before he got to that part. Now we say, you know, well Rone, you know, in Romans chapter five verse eight. I'm going to go up there. He says, but God demonstrates his own love for us in this while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. So you say, well, Rone, while I was yet a sinner Christ died for me. So in other words, he did it first. And then I got saved. No, you got to wait a minute. You got to go back to Isaiah, Isaiah 53, and Isaiah 53 says this who has believed our report. And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed for? He shall grow up before him as a tender plant. And as a root out of dry ground, he has no form or comeliness. And when we see him, there's no beauty that we should desire him. He is despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. And we hid as it were our faces from him. He was despised and we did not esteem Him. Surely he has borne our grief. He carried our sorrows. Yet we esteemed him stricken smitten of God and afflicted, but he was wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our next city. The chastisement for our peace was upon him. And by his stripes, we are healed. You see, there had to be something that, Isaiah had something to do. He had a prophecy to give before Jesus came. It's always, man first, God's going to tell man, what's going to happen. He told his prophets what, what was going to happen? They have to write it. They had to say it before it could happen. Jesus was going to come. And he was going to fulfill, you know, 2000 plus, you know, prophecies, an impossible situation for anybody except for God. But it had to be spoken first. Then it happened. And then while we yet sinned, sinners, Christ died for us. You see, but there's a process to it. And we have to understand that process. And it's hard. The hardest principle is knowing the ways of God and it's that we have to make the first step and have to say before we see, this is the hardest thing that people have to understand is that we have to make the first step because everybody wants God to make the first step. They want to see it before they believe it as Thomas did. But in fact, that's not the way God operates, and In Romans 4:17. He's we see this when it's talking about, you know, Abraham, and he says, oh, certain verse 16, therefore it's by faith that it might be according to grace so that the promise might be sure to all the seed, not only to those who are of the law, but also to those who are of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all, as it is written, I have made you the father of many nations in the presence of him who believed God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things, which do not exist as though they did. He doesn't call those things as though they do. He calls those things as though they did in the past tense. There's so much in this scripture, but it's by faith that it might be according to grace so that the promise might be sure to all the seed where the seed who's the seed, the ones who believe the ones who made the step to believe. God gives us that faith. But we have to exercise it. Not only to those who have the law, but also those who have the faith of, of Abraham, who is the father of us all. So in the presence of God, he believed God. And it's God who gives life to the dead and calls those things, which do not exist as though they do. Yeah, but there's a generation that's growing up and they're not having a problem with this. They're understanding this, there are people right now. If you're watching the show, what's going on. Uh, we had our Greg here yesterday and he gave a powerful testimony of following God and doing what God said and being obedient to what he said and things started happening. Okay. And then as, uh, so you need to go back and listen to that. Let's go to Psalms 91. This is kind of a recap of what I said yesterday. Psalms 91 says he who dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty. Now a lot of times people will say, well, gee, I would sure like to know what it means to dwell in the secret place of most high. Well, I can tell you what it means. It means that those people who are walking and being led by the spirit of God, because it's a secret place. We were talking yesterday on the show and we said, art, art was sharing how he's, he's late. He's carrying his GRA gear. And he sees a building and he has an, he goes, I just felt like I needed to walk around this building. And so he did, you know, many times we do things. Once you start experiencing God in your life, you're going to know that, you know, sometimes it's not like a voice that tells you something. It's not like a, you know, a push, it's not anything even tangible. It's just like, I just felt like I needed to do this. I was curious sometimes. Okay. But that's the secret place. It doesn't make sense to people outside, you know, for art, he was late. What are you going around the building for? You got to get to the fire station. You got to do this. But the secret place is where you follow God, where God's leading you and you learn how to be led. And again, it's difficult because you've got to make that step. You've got to be the one who's willing to be led, even when it's inconvenient, even when it doesn't seem like the right thing to do, but that person will dwell in the secret place. And he will abide under the shadow of the almighty. Now, what's the shadow of the almighty. Well, it's the anointing of God. It's a direction of God. It's his presence in our life when we follow him. And again, it doesn't make sense. And then the next thing it says, it says, I will say of the Lord. So that's the next key here? I will say. Now, a lot of times we don't want to say, I don't want to say anything before I've seen it happen. That's what people, the way they think I want to see it happen before I say something. In other words, I want to say that I'm healed. When I know that I'm healed. Well, that's not God, God calls those things, which do not exist as though they did. If we're going to walk, as Jesus walked, we have to do what Jesus did. We have to have faith in God. We have to understand his ways. His way says, I'm going to say before I see it, I have to say, I have it. It's done before I have it. So I say, I will say of the Lord, he's my refuge. And my fortress. Even when you don't feel like he's your refuge and your fortress, it says yes in him. I will trust the key here is we stop. And we think, I will say of the Lord. He's my refuge. And my fortress, my God, in whom I trust, surely he shall deliver me from the snare of the Fowler and from the perilous pestilence noises, some pestilence in another translation. But we've got to carry that down. I will say, you see, I will say the Lord. He's my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust. But I will say surely he shall deliver me from the snare of the Fowler. I will say he will deliver me from the perilous pestilence. I will say he will cover me with his feathers and under his wings, I'll take refuge. I will say that I'm not afraid of the terror by night. I will say that I, nor of the arrow, that flies by day, I will say that I'm not afraid of the pestilence that walks in darkness. And I will say, I'm not afraid of the destruction that lays waste at noonday. Now, this is the order of it. I'm going to say these things before I see them before I sense them with my physical being just the opposite of what happens in our business. Because in our business, we get bombarded by so many distractions. We have, you know, salesmen come and say that they have the latest and greatest. And oh, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. And you have to take this. No, what we have to do is we have to discern things. We have to hear from God, get wisdom from God, and hear what he has to say. But we have to understand that when he gives us a direction, we have to say that we have it before we receive it. Before we see it before we can feel it and touch it. And for a lot of business people, that's not the way they think they think, Hey, I'm not going to believe this until I can see it with my eyes. That's the way Thomas was. He was probably a businessman because he acted just like one. I got to see it. I'm not going to believe it until you show it to me. You know, put it down here on paper. Let me see it. Let me see you at work. That's how vacuum people, you know, you sell them. You're going in. They're vacuuming. Let me show you how this works. Let me let you see this. Let me, you know, let me show you and demonstrate how this thing works so that you can believe it. God's asking us to believe before we see. And for some Christians and for anybody, that's not walking in the spirit, that's very, very difficult to do. But this is the order in which we do receive, because then he says in verse nine, because you have made the Lord, who's my refuge. Even the most high, your dwelling place, no evil shall be following you. And neither shall any plague come near your dwelling. In other words, he's giving us the promise because we followed him. You see it's saying, because you've made the Lord, who's my refuge even the most high, your dwelling place. In other words, he who dwells in the secret place. Okay. He who follows and is led by the spirit is going to get the promise. He who's led by the spirit of God is going to receive the promise. He who dwells in the secret place of the most high. Okay? Because you've made the Lord who's my refuge. Even the most high, your habitation, therefore, no evil shall befall. You and neither shall any plague come near your dwelling. So there's an order to it. And when we follow that order, then we're going to have what he says. So let's go back to Exodus. We're looking at Exodus again. And the Lord said to Moses, why do you cry out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on. As, and as for you lift up your staff and extend your hand towards the sea and divide it so that the Israel lights may go through the middle of the sea on dry ground. Now, as for me, I'm going to harden the hearts of the Egyptians so that they will come after them. That I may be honored. See God was going to be honored in this situation. This story has been told for, you know, all generations, how they went through the red sea, but we have to understand that when we're following God. We have to be willing to take, be taken to the impossible in verse. I think it is verses four, three, and God was talking to Moses. And he said, Pharaoh will think regarding the Israelites that they're wandering around confused. There's a secret place. Again, they're wandering around confused. They're going into the desert. They're surrounded by the desert. They have no place to hide. And they're coming up to the red sea. They're confused. They don't know what they're doing. We're going to go down there and snatch their life from him. We're going to go down there and we're going to destroy him. But he who dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the anointing, shall abide under the promise. We'll be able to say as the Lord, he's my refuge, my fortress, the God in whom I trust. So it wasn't a dead-end for them. It looked like a dead end. It looked like everything was going to end for them, but it wasn't. They weren't going to end it. Wasn't their end. And he said, Moses, what are you doing? Why are you crying out to me? Do what I told you to do. Send them down to the red sea. But God, we can't send them down to the red sea. That's a trap. We're going to walk right into the trap. I will say the Lord. He's my refuge. My fortress, the God in whom I trust, I will not be afraid of the snare of the Fowler. Nope. God, this is a trap. We're going down to the red sea. This is a trap for us that they're going to come and they're going to wipe us out. No Moses telling him to do what I told you to do. Why are you crying out to me? Okay. Put your hand. This is what you're going to do. Moses. You're going to put your hand out over the sea and then I'm going to part it. And as for me, what I'm going to do for you, what I'm going to do is I'm going to, I'm going to let them come in. What they think was a trap is going to turn around to be a trap for them. See, they thought they were going to trap you, but it's going to be a, that the trap is going to be turned around on them. So we have to understand that God is protecting us. God, the enemy is going to come against us and they're going to try to trap us. But the trap is actually going to be turned on them. The trap is actually going to be turned on the Fowler on the one who sets the trap. It's going to be turned. And we have to understand that. We have to understand that we can dwell in the secret place of the most high we can follow God. Jesus did and afford to go to act like Jesus. Then we're going to have to do what Jesus did. He said, I only do what my father is telling me to do. I only do what he's showing me to do. Present tense. Sometimes it's not a word from God. It's just, I need to go around this building. I just need, I'm curious about that, that, that building over there. I'm curious about that business. And I walk into that business and I start telling him about Jesus. I tell him about the goodness of God. And he starts going to church because he had been walked away from God. So God wants us to be conformed to his image. Let's look at Romans eight. We need to always look at Romans eight. We need to constantly be reminded of Romans eight, for who God, fornew. He also predestined to be conformed to the image of his son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. We are to be conformed to the image of Jesus so that he might be the first of many brethren. He is the first. And then we are the body. He is the head, but we have to follow the spirit of God. We have to be conformed into his image. We are predestined to be conformed, but we have our part. We have to start walking it. We have to start believing it. See, it's easy to say that we are predestined and not walk it. It's easy to say that we are predestined to be conformed to the image of Christ, but not walk in the image of Christ just to have a mental agreement with it. But we're, we're called to go beyond the mental agreement and to actually take hold of it and walk in it because the promise comes after we take the first step, the promise that he's given us in our business, in the things that we're doing comes after we take the first step. That's the way God moves. That's the way that's, that's how the in Hebrews, he said they didn't know my ways. That's the ways of God. All right. So this is Rone on The Rone Dolph Show. And this weekend is going to be the 4th of July. So have a safe and happy weekend. But more than that, expect to have an encounter with God, expect that you're going to hear from God in ways that you've never heard before, expect that he's going to give you insight into what you read in the Bible. I can tell when God is in with me, when I'm reading the Bible, I can tell when his anointing is there. So until next week, God bless you and we'll see you on Monday.
June 23, 2021
Well, good morning, this is Rone with The Rone Dolph Show and it is Wednesday morning. And I gotta tell you what God gave me, now I'm expecting cause God's told me that we've gone through the first six months of the year and we're going to go through the second six months and he's going to, you know, increase some things, increase some understanding and bring out some, you know, some revelation. So I was in prayer this morning, very early. And I like to get up and pray because it's so quiet and I don't have any distractions. But he's been talking to me and talking to me about having a relationship with him that's exceedingly, abundantly above what we can ask or think or imagine, or even comprehend. And so I'm going to talk to you about this scripture. That's in Ephesians 3:29 or 20. And it says now to him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us, to him be glory in the church, by Jesus, by Christ Jesus, to all generations, forever and ever amen. Now to him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or think according to the power that works within us. So it's a scripture that I use a lot when I'm talking to people, about the things of God, about our business, about expecting more from God in business. I talk about, you know, in business we will be able to see things that maybe other people can't see, we'll be able to look down and see fine details about our business. But when we can't see it, we don't go after it. God wants to do exceedingly abundantly above what you can imagine. He wants to do what you can't imagine. So in my case, The Rone Dolph Show was something that I would never imagine, never had a desire for it. Didn't have any thoughts about it. And yet, you know, he gave it to me. I wrote it down and looked at it, thought I was writing down different things that I wanted to do different goals, and I wrote it down and I go, what the heck is that? That's really what I thought. And that's what I got is sometimes I'm, I'm writing things down for, you know, I got to do this, this, this, and then I'll write something I've written down scripture. I come back and I'm going through my list and I go, what's this scripture here? What is this? It's my handwriting. I wrote it down. I don't remember writing it down. I go and look up that scripture. And it's a message to me from, from the Lord. So he works with us in different ways, ways that, you know, we don't even know sometimes. We don't expect it. Pastor Barnett is my pastor, has always taught that if he had one regret in life that he wouldn't have pushed himself out there in faith enough, he wouldn't have tried to do more exceedingly great things. Now everybody looks at pastor Barnett and I go, you're just amazing. You started the dream center in LA, which is bringing in the homeless people, bringing in the drug addicts, bringing in the people off the streets, bringing in at the time, even people that had aids, bringing them in housing, um, you know, feeding 'em and that's what they do. They'll house people or feed them. And then from there, we have the dream center in Phoenix and then other ministries, have done the same thing. Now there are over 300 of these dream centers in the world and they're increasing. So he started that whole thing. And then of course he started the campus on the church. It's got a gymnasium. I mean, it's got people come to church and they go, this just blows us away. This is just, it's beyond their imagination, I guess is the best way to say it. And he's always expanding. Now, Luke is just taking that, you know, and just taking it to another level because pastor Barnett has, has taught. *We're still filming. We're not starting over. Is that okay? Is it working now? I must've hit something. Okay. You went quiet, dark on me. Yeah. I went dark on you because my mic went off. Okay. So I got a kind of a short cord on this, but so he's always taught We're having technical difficulties here. Am I hot? Okay. I'm live. All right. Can you hear me now? Everything's coming through. Okay. Good. And now tell me about Tony. Show them your show, your picture of you behind the scenes there so they can see you, Tony.. Just bought some new equipment and we're hooking it up and we're getting everything set up. We're working on it. Yeah. Yeah. That's good. But this is an important message and I'll finish it out. So he's always taught that if our God gives us something, it's beyond our ability and for business, man, that becomes very difficult. Sometimes they can't see. It's something that they've never thought of. Now, guys, it's just for the next six months, God has told me to start thinking about something new and he's put something in my mind. And quite frankly, I can't even see it. I don't have any experience of it. We'll tell you about it later, what we're doing, but for right now, you know, it's just really one of those things it's beyond my imagination. If God doesn't help us, it won't get done. So that's the way your life becomes when you're walking with God. Now I'm going to read from you because God wants to what God said this morning was this in the same way that God wants to do exceedingly abundantly above all that you can ask or think he wants your relationship to be the same way he wants it to be exceedingly abundantly above what you could ask or think according to the power that works within you. Do you get that? This is very important. Probably need to write it down. God wants to do exceedingly abundantly above what you can ask or think. We get limited in our thinking and as you know, the devil is going to try to steal the word from you. So he's going to try to make you think that you don't have it. We read, you know, that Enoch walked with God, and then God took him up. And we say, man, I would like to walk with God like that. Well, the fact of the matter is you do walk with God that way you do. But the devil has stolen that from us. The thought that we actually have that position with Christ. Jesus said my sheep, I know my sheep. And they follow me. They hear me and they follow me. That's just a fact. That's, that's the truth. Okay. That's more than a fact. That's the truth. We look at Elijah and we look at, uh, Elijah and Elijah wanted a double portion. So he says, I want a double portion. Well, you have a double portion. You have the fullness. Okay? So we get this thing that, that, that says, I want what they have when we don't realize that we have it. And God wants to take us in our relationship to an exceedingly abundantly higher level in our relationship. And the devil wants to steal that from us. And he wants to make it seem like it's unobtainable. We can't obtain it. It's like I said in business, it's beyond my imagination. So I don't go after it. So God makes the devil wants you to think that it's beyond your imagination. And so you can't have it. You know, some people can get it, but you can't get it. It's like some people can get healed. It's God's will for them to be healed immediately. But it's not God's will for you to be healed immediately. No, it's, you know, God doesn't change. Okay. His word is the truth. Okay. He has his word. That's given any can't break his word. He can't lie. He can't say by his structure healed, but John is not going to be healed. Sally's not going to be healed right now. They have to wait until they get to have it. That's not true. It's not the way it works. It's not, you know, um, Martin Luther King is going to have this fantastic relationship with the Lord, but, but not you, um, pastor Tommy Barnett is going to have this fantastic relationship with the Lord, but not you, you know, this, you know, pastor or that pastor, this person, and that person have this fantastic relationship, but it's not going to be you. You're not going to hear from God. No, that's wrong. God wants to take you. And do what's exceedingly abundantly in your relationship with him. That's far beyond and exceeds. Anything that you can imagine. And if you can't imagine it and you need help with him, it's from God. That's the way it works. So I'm going to read through this, chapter three, I just feel like I should go through it. Paul's writing to a church at Ephesus. And he says, for this reason, I Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus for you Gentiles that's us. If indeed you have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God, which was given to me for you. How that by revelation, he made known to me the mysteries as I have briefly written already, by which when you read, you may understand my knowledge of the mystery of Christ, which in other ages was not made known to the sons of men as it has now been revealed by the spirit to the holy apostles and prophets. So here he's saying, okay, there is a mystery out there. It hasn't been given before to the profits. It's a mystery that God has kept hidden until Christ came. And now this mystery of what's taken place in Christ. The knowledge of that, the revelation of that was given to Paul, okay, for the Gentiles. Now Peter preaches to the Jewish people. Paul went out to the Gentiles and that the Gentiles should be fellow heirs of the same body and partakers of his promise in Christ through the gospel, the good news of Christ of which I became a minister, according to the gift of the grace of God, given to me by the effecting of effective working of his power. Okay. So remember, power is the good news of the gospel is the power of God's salvation. To me who, who am less than the least of all the saints. We remember that Paul was out there persecuting the church. He killing people and he was taking responsibility for it, you know, while Peter and everybody else was, you know, preaching the gospel, the good news of Christ Paul was actually trying to destroy it. Okay. So he says, not in the least of the saints, this grace was given to me that I should preach among the Gentiles, the unsearchable riches of Christ, and to make all, see what he is, the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the ages has been hidden in God who created all things through Christ Jesus. So here we see that this mystery was hidden, but now it's been revealed. And Paul is revealing this mystery to the Gentiles that we could be fellow heirs in the kingdom of God that we could, you know, be accepted by Christ through what he did. We can be accepted. We have the right standing to come before God in this mystery, we have this mystery was that we could have a relationship with him that would far exceed anything that was there previously because God put his because Jesus put his blood on the mercy seat. Okay. He gave us a right to exceed. What was the relationship that they had before? Did he say this? He said, John, the Baptist is the greatest of all the profits. So, John, the Baptist was being led by the spirit of God. He was leading, living a life led by the spirit of God. And he was fully zealous for, you know, for the things of God. And he, he was the greatest of all the profits, but he's Jesus said, the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than John. We've been giving because of the blood of Christ because of what he did on the cross because we've been born again. Okay. We exceed in our relationship, anything that they had previously, we have a relationship with Christ that they couldn't have because we've been born of the spirit of God. It's been given to us what was lost by Adam. So we have this relationship and I'll, I'll continue to read to the intent that now the manifold wisdom of God might be made known by the church to the principalities and powers in heavenly places, according to the eternal purpose, which he accomplished in Christ Jesus, our Lord, oh man, this blows me away. There's a, uh, a thing that's happened When we got born again, when Jesus died and went to the cross and he, this wisdom that God did this, this incredible wisdom of God, he wanted it to be made known by the church, to the principalities and powers in heavenly places, everybody. I mean the angels, the Satan, the devils, everybody let them be, let, let them know what's happened. Let them know of the goodness of God. Let them know that we are born again by the spirit of God. He living on he's living inside of us. It's an incredible thing. That's happened in whom we have boldness and access with confidence, through faith in him. We have boldness and access with confidence. In other words, we can come boldly before the throne of God. We can come boldly before God we can come to have a relationship. I didn't have a strong relationship with my father because I didn't see him. My mom and dad got a divorce when I was very, very young, but I didn't have any problem. When I, uh, connected with him again, later on in life, I didn't have any problem telling him I loved him. I didn't have any problem coming boldly into his house and be part of his household. My half-brothers, you know, I didn't have any problem being, you know, have a relationship with them. It didn't, you know, it was, they, they lived a life that was different from mine in, in, uh, another place. But I had no, no, um, Uh, Feelings of inadequacy or, or I don't know any other feeling than just being a part of the family. I was bold in that. I was, I just felt like I was part of the family. And so I never had any combat, uh, any compelling thought that I would be anything other than part of the family. And they took me in as, as a family. And so my, when I got married, my, uh, my father says to his other oldest son was younger than me. But, um, he said, you know, I'm going to go down to, uh, Rome's wedding. And he said, who's wrong. He goes, he's your brother. He goes, I didn't know I had a brother. Well, I knew them when they were kids. I was older. I knew I knew I knew they, but they didn't know me, I guess. And he had forgotten, you know, probably when he was younger than he actually did have a brother. So it came as a surprise to him. But that's just, this is the way it is. We have a relationship that we can come boldly and we have access to this relationship that actually exceeds our expectations. It exceeds our imagining for this one reason, I bow my knee to the father of our Lord Jesus Christ from whom the whole family heaven and earth is named that he would grant you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with might through the spirit in the inner man. Now, Paul was actually praying this, okay, this is a prayer from, from Paul that you would, that, that he would grant you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with might through the spirit in the inner man that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith and that you being rooted and grounded in love may be able to comprehend with all the saints is the width and length and depth and height to know the love of Christ, which passes knowledge that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. That's amazing. Okay. Paul's praying that, that we would be filled with all the fullness of God, but now get this. Cause the next one is powerful. That's verse 19 now to him, um, who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us, to him be glory in the church, by Christ Jesus, to all generations forever ever, and ever. Amen. You see how powerful that is. You see, he wants us to know the fullness that's inside of us in God. Okay. And any, he strengthens that by saying he's able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that. We think, see this mystery that's in that's God has hidden until now is all about us living in him all about us having this incredible relationship. That's above our imagination. When we look at the old Testament, it's almost like, Gosh, Almost feel sorry for Elijah. Almost feel sorry for her. [inaudible] no, I don't. Okay. When we realized that we have Christ living inside of us and we've been born again, something happened to us that far exceeded what they had and we're supposed to expect that relationship or that communion or that fellowship that we can talk to him and we can have dreams and visions. See, that was something that was four told. Joel said, you know, dreams and visions are going to come up, you know, on these people, God's going to talk to us. We're going to have dreams. We're going to have visions. We're going to have, you know, your young men are going to see the dream, have dream dreams and your old men. No, you're there. Your young men are going to see visions and your old men are going to dream dreams. I do both. So I'm just kind of right there in the middle, But here, your Sons and your daughters are going to prophesize the spirit of God's going to come on us. Okay. It came on then like fire, okay, it's going to come on us the same way. Now we have this relationship. That's available well to us, but we need to seek it. We need to go after it. We can't just assume that God is going to put it on us. We got to be hungry for it. Um, a few days ago I had Susan on here, my partner, and we've talked about her longing. And you know, it brought her to tears to even start thinking about the longing that she has to know him. And that's what we need. We need that longing to know him and the power of his resurrection. And to understand this fellowship that we have with his, his suffering and, and this uh, that we might be conformed to his death, that in some way that we would be able to let that power of God, that resurrection of God working in our life now, not waiting for that to happen when we get to have it. So we have to seek it. It's important that we seek it. Now, this is going to be like the second part of what I'm going to say. This, this relationship that exceeds our expectation Is when you're walking in faith, It seems like some people don't step out in faith because it's painful. And we are created to Bush away from pain and we push away and we move into pleasure. That's our makeup. Okay. We can't help it. Okay. We don't, oh, there's hot fire. I'm going to get my hand, you know, into that fire so I can have the pain. No, we pull away from it. We push into what's pleasurable, man. These are candy bars, sweet and taste good. And man, I love this stuff. I want to eat one every five minutes. That's not good for us, but it's pleasurable. So we push into that. That's why people get into getting caught with, you know, other relationships and, and desires for other things because they find pleasure in that people get caught up in drugs because they find pleasure in it. People become alcoholics because they find pleasure in that. But God is changing that instead. And you can, you can actually change that yourself. So it works like this. Stepping in phase, stepping out in faith for a lot of people is painful, but it's going to become pleasurable for you. It's going to switch so that you go ahead, lean into faith, and stepping out into what is impossible becomes pleasurable and holding back becomes painful. So it almost becomes like an adrenaline rush. I can't wait. People jump off buildings and do all these crazy things. Um, they, you know, they, they, you know, they kill themselves trying to do things that are, you know, because they're, you know, they have, they get an adrenaline rush. They're called adrenaline junkies. That's the way it becomes when you're stepping out in faith with God, you get through something. And it's like, oh man, that was cool. I want to do that again. And I want to do that again. And I want to do that in every aspect of my life. I want to do that in my business. I want to do that. But see, here's the thing. It also becomes like an adrenaline rush. When you start having a relationship with the highest God, and he starts talking to you and giving you visions and giving you dreams and, and spending time with you and answering your questions, it becomes exciting. Sounds pleasurable. And once you get into that, you don't want to get out of it. You want to go on the next day, the next day, the next day. So, you know, the Romans all show, I do five days a week, but I don't stop talking to God on the weekends. I don't stop talking to God when I'm going on vacation. I still got to take my book and write things down because God's always talking to me and I'm always talking to him. I'll talk to him about everything. Sometimes when I'm driving, I remember driving through Columbia. Gorgeous, absolutely beautiful. You got the water and you know, it's you got the Gorge. And I said, man, God, you did, you know, you put this thing together. It's just beautiful. He goes, I didn't do it. I said what? He said, no, I didn't do it. I didn't build the dam. I didn't make the lake there. It was a river before. Yeah, it's beautiful now, but I didn't build a dam. I was like, oh, okay. It's still beautiful. I still appreciate it. We'll see that kind of relationship with God is pleasurable. It's something that we seek after because it becomes like a man talking to God is so spending time with God is so cool. You know, when he tells me to do something, it's just so awesome. It's an adrenaline rush to do things for God. And we have to understand that pleasure. We have to press into it and that pleasure will take over and is taking over. And that's what's happening in this great awakening that we're in right now, is this becoming more and more pleasurable for people to step in and have that relationship or that fellowship with God that they never had before. And it's going to flip the world upside down because the children of God are going to find this so pleasurable to be part of what's going on in their life, that they are going to, you know, they're going to grab it. I'm going to read one more scripture to you. [inaudible] And I'm going to read this Matthew 25 in verse 21. I'm going to read it out of the amplified Bible. So Jesus is teaching about the parable of the talents and he sends the, uh, servants away and he gives them a certain amount of money and one does really well. The next one does, you know, they double their money and the third one buries it in the ground. You've probably heard this story before, but to the first one, the master said to him, well done, you upright, honorable admirable, and faithful servant. You have been faithful and trustworthy over a litter. Little, I will put you in charge of much. I get this entry in and share the joy, the delight, the blessing, this which your master enjoys. That's the key here. God wants us to enter into the joy that he has. Okay. His enjoyment is us having this fellowship with him and him telling us, okay, do this, do this, take my instruction, follow this. And we do that. And then he says, oh, well done. You know, good and faithful service servant, enter into the joy, to the blessing, this, to the absolute pleasure that I enjoy, that God enjoys. And he's saying that about us. He enjoys the relationship that we have with him. He enjoys giving us instruction. He enjoys watching us move and watching us do what he's telling us to do. Stepping out in faith and walking in faith, not knowing where we're going to go. And that becomes pleasurable for us and becomes like, why can adrenaline high actually sweater comes and that's what's happening in the world today. People are getting, people are getting excited about having fellowship with Jesus Christ. It's amazing. So I want to invite you to do the same. I'm going to pray for you father, the same prayer that Paul prayed, that they would come to the, to the knowledge that, of this mystery of who they are in Christ and come into this fellowship, that's beyond their imagination. And I pray that in the name of Jesus, I'm going to keep it real simple. All right, we'll see you tomorrow.
June 22, 2021
Good morning, and it is Tuesday morning on The Rone Dolph Show. And I'm going to be talking about obtaining the promises of God. And I was talking to somebody and it kind of brought up this lesson. I started telling them about first Peter chapter one. And I thought it was important to kind of go over it this morning. God gave me a revelation on this and it really has stuck with me over the years. It's been very, very important for me to understand how to walk in faith and obtain the promises, you know, for my own life. And I just love the scripture and it is in verse seven. And he says that the genuineness of your faith being more precious than gold, that perishes though, it's tested by fire, maybe found to praise and honor and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ. So when we're going to obtain the promises of God, the one thing that we have to understand is we are going to be tested. We are going to have trials. We are going to have the word try or the promise, try to be pulled out, but I'm telling you that a day is now when people are waking up to what God is doing, and they're starting to walk in this, I don't want to say it. I want to, in this obtaining promises, like they haven't liked hasn't been seen before, in the past, we've seen promises obtained by the preacher and he comes and he preaches a message and people hear it. Faith comes, they get healed. They have miracles happen, but this day is different because people are awakening to taking those promises themselves without having to go to a service. In other words, they're taking them by what they hear by their faith, by what they're believing, and they're not waiting to obtain it, they're taking it themselves and they're teaching their children to do the same thing. So I'm going to start off by talking about this because it's good and it's important. And I'm going to start from actually, I'm going to start from up in chapter. Uh, let's see, I'm going to start reading out of the passion translation in verse three, celebrate with praise, the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has shown us. He is extravagant mercy for his fountain of mercy has given us a new life. We are reborn born again. We're born of the spirit and not the flesh. I was born once as the flesh. Now I'm born of the spirit. So he's saying we are reborn to experience a living energetic hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. We are reborn to a perfect inheritance that can never perish, never be defiled, and never diminish. It is a promise and preserves forever in the heaven, heavenly realm for you, that promises in heaven. Okay? It's the promise that was given by the blood of Jesus Christ. When he put his blood on the mercy seat and it sits there forever. It's the promise. The guarantee of that promise is a Holy Spirit that was given to us, that promise is held in heaven on that mercy seat. It's there forever. It forever is our righteousness. Our ability to enter into the presence of God. It's our right to stand before God that we can sit in heavenly places in Christ Jesus at the right hand of the father. It's our right standing, that we are the body of Christ. It's our right standing that we have to come and make a petition before him. So it's held there forever. And then it says in verse five, through our faith, the mighty power of God, constantly guards us until our full salvation is ready to be revealed in this last time or in the last time. Now, faith is the substance of things hoped for. Faith is the evidence of things not seen. That's Hebrews chapter 11. You see faith. It, what this scripture is saying is through our faith, the mighty power of God constantly guards us until our full salvation by faith. We receive that and by faith, these promises are given to us. Now faith is faith is now. Faith is now. Faith is a substance of things hopes for there. The evidence of things not seeing, but there is a maturing that has to take place on our part. And so I'm going to, going to go on and I'm going to read here and, uh, starting in verse six in this, you greatly rejoice though. Now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials that the genuineness of your faith being much more precious than gold. That perishes though it's tested with fire may be found to the praise honor and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ. Now we're going to break this apart because there are missing secrets that God has kept for us. And so sometimes by the very structure of the sentence, it pulls us away from what's actually being said, so let's look at this. The subject is not your faith. The subject is the genuineness of your faith. And you got to think about it. It's the genuineness of your faith. So you can say, well, I have faith. You know, I'm believing, but it doesn't cause you to take an action. It doesn't cause you to take a step in a certain direction of what you say. And you believe Venice shows that our genuineness is, is not being proven. Okay? So it's talking about the genuineness of our faith and it compares the genuineness of our faith to gold, even though gold parishes, but gold is, is like the genuineness because it's, it's, uh, uh, you take it to you, fire it, to get the impurities out of it. You fire, it gets so hot. And then you scrape those impurities off the, off the gold and you make the gold pure. And so the genuineness is compared to this process of refining. And, uh, but it says this, it says that the genuineness of your faith, even though it's like this, it's much more precious. It's much more precious than gold. Gold is going to pass away. In other words, you're going to, we're going to go to heaven. We're going to be with Jesus. We're going to see a different kind of goal street that is made of gold. The genuineness of our faith is more precious than any kind of gold that we could possibly imagine for that. It's really any kind of, you know, Ruby or, or stone or, you know, anything of any kind of value whatsoever. Silver Gold. It doesn't matter. Diamonds, it's more precious than anything. And it's talking about this genuineness of our, of our faith. And it says this about the genuineness of our faith, that it may be found praise and honor and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ. Now here's where it gets really interesting because when we look, first of all, the genuineness is to, for us to inherit that promise that it's been given to us by God. Now the promises are now, okay. We are to take them now. So it's to be found at the praise and the glory and the honor, it's when we give praise and glory to honor the genuineness of our faith. Okay? When we hold fast to that, to what we're believing, and we are inpatients and we are in perseverance, and those are flowing through our life. Now I'll go into that in just a minute. The revelation of Jesus at the revelation of Jesus Christ. Now Jesus Christ is the word, in the beginning, was Jesus, in the beginning, was the word. And Jesus was with God and Jesus was God, all things were created through him. There wasn't anything that wasn't created through Jesus. Jesus is the word. So another translation for this, or another way of saying, um, the revelation is at the revealing or at the, um, when Jesus comes out of, um, being here for a little while, the fullness of the promise is kind of hidden for us. When Jesus is revealed, his word is revealed and we get a revelation of that. It becomes alive in us. And that revelation of the word is the revealing of Jesus Christ. So it's saying that the genuineness of our faith, even though it's, you know, trial by fire, it might be proved to the glory and honor of Jesus being revealed to us in the word. I hope you get that because it's awful powerful. So this in John chapter 11, 21 to 25, Martha, they've asked Jesus to come because their brother Lazarus has died and Jesus finally comes and it's like three days. And you know, if you would have been here, you could have, you know, raised him from the dead. And Jesus said, I am the resurrection. Martha says, you know, I know that is gonna rise again at the, at the end time at the final resurrection. But Jesus says, I am the resurrection. Martha is trying to say, I know it's going to happen in the future, but Jesus says, I am the future. I am the resurrection. I am the promise. I am the fulfillment of every promise. I'm that what you are looking for and have been looking for. I'm the answer, I'm the promise. That's what it's saying here at the revelation of Jesus Christ. He is the promise. So we see that. Well, I'm just going to go on. Sometimes we get in our thoughts. We're thinking that there's a promise. That's going to come, but it's going to come later. It's going to come sometime in the future. And that's a problem that happens. And then sometimes what we do is we start out, we start meditating and thinking about what we see instead of what we hear and see from the Spirit of God. You see, we see there are facts and then there's truth. The facts are what we see in the natural. Maybe you're, you're believing God for something in your body and you see it. And that's a fact, it's not imaginary. It's not, you know, it's not something new you're imagined that really isn't there. You're a spirit being, yes, you are. But you live in a physical body. And if your body is sick, that's a reality. That's a fact, it's not the truth, but it is the fact Jesus brought the truth. He was the resurrection. And what he did was he made that available to us when he went to the cross. And when he rose from the dead right standing that we have with him, isn't just for the future. It's now the promise. Isn't for the future, the promises now. But when we look at the fact, we are meditating on that fact, we see the fact. And so we see it and we go, oh, I got a problem here. You know, I got a problem with my body somewhere. And so we, we meditated and then we talk about it. We talk about what the problem is, but that's not what God did. God spoke those things, which be not as though they were, we have to take the truth and apply it over the fact, okay, the truth is that you may need your body. You may need your business. You may be believing God for something. Okay. But you see the fact, maybe somebody, you know, I had somebody in church and they were going through some things in their business and in somebody was going to sue them. And so we prayed with her and, you know, we talked with her every week and you know, the fact was they were going to Sue her. But the truth was that he's given his angels charge over us to keep us in all of our, all of our ways. And in the end, there was no lawsuit against her. She just walked away from it. You see, we have a promise. We've talked about the tassel. We've had a promise that was given to us. It's given to us because we can, you know, we look at this tassel, we can see it, we can touch it, we can visualize it. Okay. And we can keep that in our mind. And we can say, we have a promise from God on the flip side of that. And I'm using health today because you know, you can, you can see it or you can feel it. Or, you know, when you're walking, you can do it. Or maybe you can't walk. Maybe you're in a wheelchair, you know, whatever that is. Okay. You see that. But that's, that's a fact, but a sense of truth. The truth is by his stripes, we were healed, right? So we look at this tassel, we look at what God has given us. We look at the cup and the bread, which was given to us. And that's the truth. The truth prevails over the facts. The fact is you can't walk on water. Jesus was a man. He was a son of man. He was born from, you know, a woman, okay. As a man, you can't walk on water, but Jesus did because God told him to walk on water. And so Jesus walked on the water because that was the truth. The truth is, God can, God can tell us to do something impossible. And we can do it. The fact is you can't be translated from here to there. That's a fact, But that's not the truth because the truth is they did it when Jesus in the boat, they're immediately on the other side. So that's the truth. The truth prevails over the fact, our genuineness is our ability to do what James says in chapter one. And to let perseverance have its perfect work to let patience have its perfect work to be patient is to allow that patience to make us mature so that we can stand. And the genuineness of our faith stands and it proves out the revelation of who Jesus is in our lives. Patience. Isn't something that we don't want. It's something we get by the Holy Spirit because it's a gift of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was described when he, when he came as being power, due to as power like dynamite power. And the gifts of the spirit of the fruit of the spirit is love. Joy. Peace. Patience is one of those fruits. That's a powerful gift. God has given us the ability to rest in him and not, not have to get worried about things. Thanks. If you think, or if you imagine yourself, okay, let's say that you're in the desert for three days and you're not. You're running low on water. That would be like, you know, walking from Phoenix to Tucson, I don't know how far you would get. Maybe you'd only get 20 miles a day. That'd be a long way. You're taking all your, your family. You're taking your animals and you're walking through the desert and you can't find any water. And you're maybe you're going 20 miles a day. That'd be, that'd be quite a bit. And Tucson is 90 miles away. So you can get about halfway there. Your canteens, there's only so much water you can pack. You can't pack enough water. In those days. You can't have enough animals that you can water that animal and pack and, and take everybody. And you're running out. You're just running out. You're halfway there and you're going, what am I going to do? Perseverance says I'm going to persevere because God is on my side. God is going to provide what I'm lacking. God is going to give me what I need. He's going to give me the promise for Martha. Her brother died. The first day, you know, he's dead. They send off to Jesus. Jesus come in a is dead. The disciples say you know what? He sleeps. Well, if he sleeps, it's no big deal. No, no, you don't understand. He is dead. Okay. So then he goes off and he's doing something else. Day two comes, you know, where's Jesus, how come he's not here? Jesus is busy. Three days. They've got him all wrapped up. You know, he's in the tomb. He's wrapped from head to toe. They've put oils on him and herbs on him to make him smell good. But you know, by this time, even after three days, he's stinking and Jesus comes along and says, Lazarus is going to rise again. Now you can imagine what Martha is thinking on day two, Hey, we've got to take care of this body. You know, part of the day, it's warm out. Lazarus dies. Okay. We're going to wait for Jesus to come. He doesn't show up. Okay, we've got to do something with this body. We got to wrap him up. We've got to get him in the tomb. We got to close the tomb. You know, day two passes, day three. It's over it's toast. Our brother who lives with, you know, is gone. He stinks. Now. She tells him he stinks. Jesus comes along and says, no, he's going to rise again. I understand he's going to rise again at the resurrection. No, I am the resurrection. He says I'm the resurrection. I'm the promise. Can you imagine being in that situation, it'd be one thing. If it was just, you know, the guy falls, you run over and pray for him. My friend art prayed for a guy that was dead for 30 minutes, the paramedics came out, they checked him out. He was dead. Art went over and laid on top of him, prayed on him in the middle of the scene. Everybody's around him. And he's laying on top of him. And the guy comes back to life. But three days, okay. Three days is a long time. That's where patients come in. Count it all joy. When you fall into various trials, let patients have their perfect work that you will be entire and lacking nothing. My brother encountered all joy. When you fall into diverse trials, diverse, all kinds of different things. Knowing that the proving of your faith works patience and let patients finish the work that you may be perfect and entire not lacking anything. And if any man, lacks wisdom, let him ask from God. So this is not a question of, you know, if you've, if you feel like you don't have wisdom, then you need to ask God's wisdom. No, it's really a pre prerequisite that being able to walk through and prove the genuineness of your faith. You may think that you have wisdom, but it's not the, it doesn't. It doesn't mean that you have it. You may think that you know exactly how to pray for somebody, but it doesn't mean that that's exactly how you're going to pray for them. We have to get used to talking to God and asking God all the time on what we're doing on how we're doing it. When we're standing in faith, it's not just enough to claim the promise. We also have to pray and ask God how to receive that promise. How do we receive that revelation? So sometimes God gives me dreams, gives me visions, tells me to hold onto something. He can tell you a lot of different things. I was praying for a guy one time and he just wasn't receiving it. You know, sometimes you pray for somebody and they receive it right away. Other times they don't receive it at all. And I looked at him and he looked at me and I knew he didn't receive it. He knew he didn't receive it. What I was praying for, I was praying for him to have an encounter with God. And I looked down at this tie as he's wearing a tie. And I just thought this thought came to me, I'll pull his tie. I pulled his tie and he received, it. Had an encounter with God. See, you just don't know. It's all about the wisdom of God. You don't know. One time I was, I've told this story before us with a salesperson and I was doing some training and they had just come out of prison. She did. And her family had disowned her because of her lifestyle and what she got into as a parent, that's really hard because your kids, you know, don't want anything to do with you. And she said, my kids haven't talked to me and I didn't think about praying. I just said, oh, that's easy for God. God can take care of that. It just came up out of me. See, I didn't, I didn't really have a, I didn't have a plan or anything like that. It just seemed like I just was the right thing to say. It kind of surprised me because a week later her son called, he made the first contact. He said, I'm calling you. And now it's your turn to call me. And that was the opening. It was because I said, oh, that's easy for God. Okay. I didn't pray for him. Jesus didn't, you know, say, oh, heavenly father, you know, all the time and pray for people when he did, he said it's for your benefit. Okay. But he did things according to what God was telling him, pick up your bed. To the people with leprosy, go show yourself to the priest. The blind guy, Hey, I'm going to put some mud in your eye. I'm going to spit, which is even worse. I'm going to make mud and I'm going to put it in your eye. You're going to be okay. Fig tree, no, man's going to eat fruit from you ever again. I'll tell you that. Yeah. It's all about wisdom. It's all about knowing what to say. It's all about it so that it gets down inside of us. And then we meditate on what God has told us. And we hold on to it. And we make that the focus of what we say with our mouth, and that proves out the genuineness of our faith when we're able to be patient and stand in faith, knowing that in the trial, the trial is meant to steal the word from us. But in that trial of our faith, we can be, we can prove that genuineness and stand there till the end saying that God is able, and God has done it for me. Not that he's going to do it for you. He is the resurrection, he is the promise. He is the word of God. And there's somebody out there. Then you need to hear that. You need to realize that the scripture is really talking about the genuineness of faith, not faith itself. That's a given, but it's the genuineness of your faith. How far along are you in this, in your patients, waiting for patients to have its perfect work and make you mature. That's what we're looking for. We want to become mature. And as we become mature, then we start teaching those who need your help to be mature, to let patience have its perfect work, to let your genuineness be proven. And so you're right about there. You're right about the end and you need to be patient. Remember your promise? Don't say anything. Don't let any corrupt word come out of your mouth. What do I mean by that? Don't let anything contrary to the word of God to the truth. Don't think that you're going to be a double-minded man and have anything from God. That's what James says. Okay. Don't think that you're going to say, you know what the fact is. And then what the truth is, you can't be saying the fact on the truth, you got to say one or the other, say the truth. The truth is the word of God. Jesus is the word of God. Jesus is the promise of God. Jesus is the resurrection. He is our righteousness. We receive righteousness and right standing before God, just like we do every other promise that's given to us. So God is wanting to speak to you, give you dreams, give you visions and help you prove the genuineness of your faith. And that's what he's about to do for somebody out there. God is going to start speaking to you and you're going to start having a revelation and a manifestation of who Jesus is. That's probably a really good word. You're going to have a manifestation of that word in your life. If you're sick, you're going to have a manifestation of who Jesus is in your healing. If you're believing in your business, you're going to have a manifestation of who Jesus is in your business. If you're believing for the impossible, if God has given you a promise, that's so far out there and you can't obtain it on your own, you're going to have a manifestation of who Jesus is in that impossible situation. And I'm going to tell you one more thing, it's happening now. It's happening to people all around the world. They're having a manifestation of who Jesus is in their life at this present time because now faith is the substance of things hoped for it's the evidence of the things that we can't see. All right, this is wrong with the Randolph show. And I, I, I just claim that for you in the name of Jesus. And of course, we have the name of Jesus over us and we will see you tomorrow. Be blessed.
June 21, 2021
Hey, good morning, this is Rone. And today we're going to be talking about divine appointments. It is Monday, June, 21st and I had actually over the weekend, you know, God never stopped stocking, you know? And so I'm writing things down. I got a book that I write things down in and I go in and I write something and then I'm writing other things. I got a couple of different subjects that I can talk about that. Oh yeah, that's good. And oh yes, this is good. And so I'm getting ready, you know, and kind of have almost, you know, two messages ready, but on the drive in God says divine appointments. And, or actually, just when I woke up, God told me to start expecting divine appointments. And so I'm just going to jump into something and I'm going to give you the scripture that he gave me in Luke chapter four, and immediately after he said to me divine appointments, then the scripture came to my mind and it's talking about Jesus. And he returned to Galilee in the power of the spirit. He has just been tested by, you know, by Satan, and news about him spread throughout the whole countryside. He was teaching in their synagogues and everybody praised him. And he went to Nazareth where he had been brought up. And on the Sabbath day, he went into the synagogue as was his custom. And he stood up to read and the scroll of the prophet, Isaiah was handed to him. Now, this was a divine appointment for Jesus. Jesus lived in divine appointments. His whole walk was a divine appointment. Everything he did when he came to the fig tree and cursed it. And you know, everything that he was doing was a divine appointment for him. But here he goes into the synagogue, which is the custom, his custom, and the scroll of the prophet. Isaiah was handed to him, could have been anything else, but it was a scroll of Isaiah. Unrolling it, he found the place where it's written. The spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to proclaim the good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight, to the blind, to set the oppressed free, and to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor. And then he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant, and sat down. All the eyes in the synagogue were fastened on him. And he began saying to them today, this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing. You see it was the start of his ministry. So he had been going to the synagogues. It was his custom to do that. But at this particular time, he walks into this particular synagogue and they hand him the scroll of Isaiah. And he reads out of what we would look at Isaiah 61. You see that was a divine appointment for him. And he sat down and said, today, this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing. So up to this time, it had been read many, many times by many people, but that day he called it today and the scripture was fulfilled in their hearing. It was a divine appointment. Now we have, and God wants to give us divine appointments and divine opportunities, and they are going to help you and lead you into the destiny that God has given you. It doesn't mean that God's going to give you an opportunity. And that one opportunity is going to be your leading into your destiny. No, that opportunity may be an opportunity for your business and you'll get to practice knowing God in that. Okay? But there's a difference between divine opportunity, divine appointment, and distraction. A distraction is going to try to steal away the appointment. It's going to try to steal your destiny. A divine appointment is going to help you is going to help lead you into that destiny that God has given you, a distraction is going to try to keep you away from it. And many times we look at things around us, and we think that God is speaking to us in the circumstances that happen around us. And it's just not always so. There's a difference. And we have to learn to hear from God and know what those differences are because sometimes they're not divine appointments. They're simply distractions. Now, if this is where it comes in, and God says he's able to work all things too well. You see, he can take the distraction that you're in and help you learn who he is, but it all comes back to the word. And it comes back to listening to God, the things, the opportunities, the people we meet, none of those have any meaning more than God's presence in our life. The only way that we can tell if something is a divine appointment or distraction is by asking him. In James chapter one, he says that the trials of your faith work to let patience have its perfect work. It may look like that the trial of our faith is really a distraction because it's not coming to pass right away. But then he says, if any man lacks wisdom, let him ask believing that God's going to speak to him, giving him the answers, but a double-minded man isn't going to is going to be unstable in all of his ways. In other words, you're not going to know the difference between having a distraction and having a divine appointment, because your divine appointments are going to have, are going to be there. God is going to try, or Satan is going to try to steal that word from you. Okay? So God is giving you a divine appointment and you know that God is setting something up for you. And the devil is going to try and steal it from you. So you may think that that's not a divine appointment, that it really is just a distraction. You may think that the distraction is really, the divine appointment. Okay? And it's not that distraction is just stealing what God has predestined for you. So how do you know the difference? James says we need to ask, we need to ask for wisdom. We need to understand it in the second Kings. We'll give you another example here. What, you know, God's talking to you about. Elijah and the widowed woman. Everybody knows this story, but sometime later the brook dried up because there was, had been no rain in the land. So there was no rain. And so Elijah was sent to a brook where he had water Ravens came and they fed him. But that stream dried up. And so God sent, God says to Elijah, go on once to the city in the region of Suydam. If I'm pronouncing it incorrectly, please forgive me. And stay there. I have directed a widow woman there to supply you with food. Okay? So now Elijah knows that he's going to go to this city and there's a widow there that has been directed by God to supply his need. So off he goes, okay, now he's going to a city. Where's he going to find this widow woman? Where's this widow woman going to be, that they can have this divine appointment? Well, it says exactly what happened. So he went to -. And when he came to the town gate, a widow was there gathering sticks. Okay so he's headed to the fifth and he comes to the gate and there's a widow picking upstate, uh, picking up sticks. So why was she there? She got up. She's thinking, well, I'm going to go, and I'm going to make a little fire. I'm going to cook a little, you know, meal, a little piece of toast or something, and I'm going to give it to my son. And we're going to die where I was going to be our last meal. It's all we have and we're going to die. Or where am I going to pick up sticks? Well, I guess I'll go up to the gate and pick up the sticks. So she just gets the feeling, well, I'm going to go up here, Elijah's coming down. And he's thinking, where am I going to meet this widow? Well, he comes up to the gate, and at the gate, the widow is picking up sticks. Obviously, God impresses on him that she is the one. And so right away, he says, he calls her and asked, would you bring me a little water in a jar so that I may have a drink? And as she was going to get it, he calls out and brings me please a piece of bread. And then she tells him the story that I'm going to just make. I just have enough to, you know, to make a little cake. And then my son, we're going to eat that and we're going to die. And so then he goes, and you know, the rest of the story, you know, she just keeps making, you know, bread until the famine is over. And it supplies her, her son, and him. But at the moment, when he came to the gate and the moment that she went to the gate to pick up the sticks, that was a divine appointment. That was something that was meant to happen at that particular time, at that particular place. Now God knows all things. And he works all these things out. So when Jesus came into the synagogue, it was the appointed time for his ministry to start. And the scroll of Isaiah was given to him. So Jesus lived in this atmosphere of divine appointments in God, is leading his people to walk. As Jesus did, where to be, we're destined to be conformed to his image. We are to walk in divine appointments for the rest of our life. Now I have a word for some of you out there that are listening to this and you're thinking, well, I'm not in business. You're not in business. Maybe you think, but you have business in the marketplace that you do, but children, this is the word for you. Children are going to be brought up knowing the ways of God. Right now, not all the kids are being trained in the ways of God. And in other words, trained to start recognizing divine appointments in their life, not being recognized, how to stand in faith and believe in God. And so at the time, when the devil tries to steal the word from them, they don't know. They just have to rely on mom and dad. You see it's coming to pass. Now that the men and women of God are going to start teaching the young children to know the ways of God. Now, the ways of God are explained in Hebrews, I think in chapters three and four, and he talks about today. When you hear the voice of the Lord, don't harden your heart, okay? They, they tried me. They proved that my word was true, but then they didn't know my ways. They didn't recognize them. They couldn't go through the next act of faith and walk through them to see so many times, God is putting something in our way. And it's a divine appointment. And we're supposed to ask him, is this a divine appointment for me? Is this something? And we can talk to him and just ask him, you know, is this something I need to leave alone? Or is this something I need to take hold of sometimes when you have a divine appointment or divine opportunity, it doesn't mean that you're going to get it because you don't know how to, you don't know how to ask God. You don't know how to reach out there and say, God, is this it? And if it, if he says it is, then you're going to have to walk in faith. You're going to have to be able to take it by faith. And your faith is going to be tested. Now, this is the way faith is tested. You go through a period of time when your faith is tested, but now when you get through it and you recognize that you've been through that, the genuineness of your faith has been tested and it's been proven to be true. Now, the next time you go through faith, that time that it took you to pass through it is shortened. And every time you make a mark, where you stand in faith, in something in your life, and every time that your faith is proved to genuine that time is shrunk down again. It is shrunk down again to the point that when you start believing God for something, you'll start seeing it happen immediately in some areas of your life that are going to be easier than others. So recognizing how to discern when we have divine opportunities and divine appointments. At first, it may take you a while to figure out, you know, what's what it may take you a little bit of time to figure out that, okay, God is this, you know, what is this? And the process of that and the working of that out and, and the testing of your faith and all that. It may take a little bit of time, but as you do it, that time is being shrunk. It's being cut down every time you do it to the point where you'll just be walking along and you'll see something, you go well, that's interesting. And you'll walk in and you'll start talking to somebody. And that was a, a, a predetermined time for you to be at that particular spot at that particular time, just like it was for Jesus to walk into that synagogue at that time. And they handed in the scroll, just like it was for that widow woman to walk in, or to go up to the gate to look for sticks. She could have gone anywhere probably to look for sticks, but she went to the gate. Why did she go to that gate? Why did you know Elijah come at that particular time that she was at that gate for her last meal? All of these things are divine appointments. God is orchestrating this, and you will start to learn how not only to recognize the divine appointment but how to start teaching it to your children. Okay. Now let's, let's go onto a different one. Let's look at Paul and Silas. So I asked God, I said, God, I would really like to have another one. I'd like to have another example. He said, Paul and Silas. So we go to Paul and Silas over here to acts chapter 15. And I'd never really thought about Silas. He's just, you know, Paul and Silas, I've heard of that, but it's very interesting when you start looking at it. So the apostles send the letter, uh, to the church and, um, we're, uh, and they send, uh, two people, they send the, uh, Silas and they send, uh, another person by the name of, of Judas. And they were leaders and they were also prophets. And so they're sent down to deliver a message to the church and, uh, they were, uh, sent to encourage the believers. And then it says that Paul and Barnabas, Barnabas remained in any arc, uh, and the others, uh, uh, I'm trying to skip through some of this.. Paul and Barnabas had a little bit of a scuffle. And so ballpark ball Barnabas took Mark and Paul chose Silas and they split up at this particular time. Paul had been with Barnabas and they've been together. And then they got in a scuffle over mark because, uh, Paul didn't think that he was fit to go with them. Now it turns out that mark comes back and he writes the book of the mark. Okay. So it may be that God was using this, changing this distraction to lead into something else in Mark's life. But the point I want to get to is Paul chose Silas. And then we go over to 16 because I really don't want to go through the whole chapter of chapter 15. But anyway, Paul was now with Silas and they go into a city and there's a woman there and she is following them and saying that they are from God and, and they keep, she's just bugging them to the point where Paul finally has, gets tired of it. Cause she's, she's making these, she's making her master's money by foretelling the future. She is somebody who can listen to familiar spirits and she can find out from familiar spirits, what's going on. And so she starts talking and you know, she's not anointed by the Spirit of God. And Paul gets mad and casts the spirit out of her. Then her masters find out that they can't make money on her anymore. And so they throw Paul and Silas in jail. And that's where I want to pick it up. Yeah. So Paul and Silas are in jail and about midnight, Paul and Silas are praying and singing hymns to God. And the prisoners were listening to him. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. And once and at once the prison doors flew open and everyone's chains came loose, the jailer woke up. Now, this is really interesting. Everybody is listening to Paul and Silas pray and sing, sing, sing praises to the Lord, except for the jailer he's sleeping. Okay. And then all of a sudden, you know, an earthquake happens, the prison doors are opened up and, and the jailer calls for the lights and they rush in, they fall down trembling before Paul and Silas, and he brought his sword. You know, he was going to kill himself because he thought, you know, once the, once they find out that the prisoners are set free, they're going to execute me anyway. So I'm going to fall on my sword. So my question is who could have been with Paul that would have actually been there to sing praises to God. You see that took an act of faith that took a certain type of person. See a lot of people out there, get it, given a certain situation may not react correctly. Okay. Because they're not talking to God. Now, when Peter was thrown in jail, what did he do? He just went to sleep. That's what he was supposed to do. Who could go to sleep? Well, Peter did. He went to sleep. He didn't have a problem. He just goes asleep, thinks he's having a dream and God gets him out. But who could be with Paul when they're shackled put into prison? Oh, and beaten with rods. I forgot to mention that they were beaten with rods. And yet here's Silas with Paul on a divine appointment to be put in jail, to be beaten with rods, which these rods that are there, beat him on the feet. They try to cripple them. Okay. So there, they're badly beaten and they're praying. And they're singing praises to God who could have done that with Paul, who out there we don't know with mark have done it. Maybe not, probably not with Barnabas had done it. We don't know, but we know one thing, Silas, he was able to do it with Paul. That was a divine appointment because sometimes it takes two people working together to accomplish what God has for them. It takes two people to strengthen each other. So you see Silas had a divine appointment with Paul. Barnabas took Mark. Paul took Silas. That was a divine appointment for what was going to happen. And he was able to pray and give pray, give thanks to God. After he had been beaten. Now the jailer gets up and you can read about this acts chapter 16. He falls at their feet. What do I have to do to be saved? He brings in water, starts cleaning them. He gets baptized. It takes him to his house. He feeds him. Obviously, he brings them back to the jail because they have to be in jail. And then they say, Hey, you're free to go. And Paul, Hey, I'm a Roman citizen. We're Roman citizens. You know, if they want to release us, they need to come here and release us. Well, then they got afraid and they said, you know, you're released, you know, please leave the city. But the jailer, him, and his whole household were saved. Now we don't know all the ramifications of that. We don't know what this jailer did, who he talked to, and who he went about in his business. But his whole household got saved. But the point is, is Silas and Paul had a divine appointment. Now Silas had been doing something else, but they sent him down with this letter. That was a divine appointment. It could have been, it could have been anybody else, but they chose two people. And one of them was Silas and Silas then was, Paul chose Silas to go with him and they go down and they, Paul cast this demon out of this woman, who's a fortune teller. And then they go to jail and then they get beaten with rods, but they pray and they're singing praises to God and everybody hears it in the jail. So the jailer gets saved. The people in the jail get saved. And then they go about their business. There was a divine appointment that took place when Silas was chosen to go when Paul chose him to go with him so that there would be somebody with Paul that would be able to pray and give praises to God after they'd been beaten. So you see, yeah. You're thinking well in a Rone? What does that have to do with me? Well, God wants to give you divine appointments. God wants to give you divine appointments, but you're going to have to be able to discern the difference between a divine appointment and divine opportunity. And what's really a distraction because not every opportunity is divine. It's not given to you by God. It's just something that happens in the world around you to make you think, Hey, that's God talking to me. No, it's not God talking to you. That's a distraction. It's meant to steal the word that's been given to you and try to kill your opportunity to walk into the destiny that God has given you. Now, I'm going to stop there and let that sink in. I want you to think about it. I want you to think about how these divine opportunities and divine, your divine appointments are going to start working in your life and how you're going to start talking to God about what your divine appointments are. Start believing for them because Jesus we're to be conformed to the image of Jesus and Jesus walked in divine appointments throughout his life. And we're supposed to do the same. We're going to continue talking about divine appointments and opportunities in our coffee talk today. And so I want you to turn to him back into that, come back in, listen to the four of us. Talk about that. And we're just going to have fun with that because it is fun. It's a lot of fun and I'm going to pray for you right now. Oh, so I put this prayer shawl on my, on my desk today. And the reason I did that is because this was a divine appointment for me and I recognized it. Um, so I, you know, God had been talking to me about the tassel, given me a dream, and then brought it back up to me. And I'd been thinking about the tassel on this. And I went to a men's meeting and they were there at the men's meeting. He brought this up and he goes, if anybody wants to buy these, I have them. And, uh, he gave one away and I went up to him afterward. I said I want to buy it, buy one. And he goes, they've all been sold except for the one that he had at the bottom of the box. It wasn't in the, you know, in the, in the plastic and stuff. He says I'll sell you this one. I said, okay, I'll buy it. So then I talked about it on my show. That was a divine appointment because God had been talking to me about it. I didn't go to the internet and try to buy one or do anything like that. I could have. I just didn't think of it until I was at the men's meeting and they had them for sale. And then of course they were all bought, but he sold me the last one that he had, that that was his. So you see our life was full of these divine appointments and father, I'm going to pray for every person out there that they will start recognizing, and you will give them the wisdom and you will speak to them about their divine appointments and divine opportunities in their business, in the name of Jesus. Amen. All right. Tune in to coffee talk on The Rone Dolph show. We'll talk more about this today. Have a great day.
June 18, 2021
Well, good morning. It's Friday morning. This is The Rone Dolph Show And I'm gonna give you, you know, almost what I would think would be kind of a strange word for me to give to you. But I got to give it because I feel like, you know, God gave it to me to give to you. So we're talking about the power of God. And as always, you know, the ministry at The Rone Dolph Show is really to people in business or people that are doing business in the marketplace, whatever that business may be. And you're around people, that's really what this, what this is about. What I've learned over time, spending time with God is, God can ask you to do something and it's not related to your business at all. And I say this over and over again, it has nothing to do with your business, but it has everything to do with your business because he says, seek ye first, the kingdom of God and all these things that everybody else seeks after runs after will be added to you. So God tells you to do something. And we know we have a great commission. We know we're supposed to be sharing Jesus with the world. And our business has one function that's to make money. The other sub-function of that is to give us, you know, people to talk to people around us, but we do have to feed our families. We have to, you know, do all the things and, and business and whatever we're doing is, you know, for the function of life. Sometimes people think that, well, you're not supposed to make a certain amount of money. It's crazy. We will tell people who are on the street, that God can pick them up, get them on their feet, change their life forever. They can go from being broke, beaten down with all kinds of problems, drug problems, mental problems, and God will lift them up and give them a good life. In other words, you know, we've seen these people come up, you know, get married, have families change their life, become totally different people from what they were before. Everybody accepts that everybody accepts it. That is what God is capable and able to do. But then when that person is at that level, then sometimes people think there's a certain level that you're not supposed to, you know, surpass. And I've said on the show that I actually liked to look at what other people are saying contrary to what I see in the word of God. \ So I read one person who said that you shouldn't make over an $80,000 a year. Well, obviously he probably made $80,000 a year. And you know, that was his cap for, you know, working where he was at. And so he thinks, well, everybody else should be there too. No, God wants to continually bless us. Just like taking somebody with nothing and bringing them up, giving them a family, giving them houses, cars, you know, et cetera. So they can function in the world and God wants, but God doesn't stop there. He's always trying to bless us the way he blesses us is we seek him first. We don't seek, you know, after money. If we think that we have to chase after money, that chasing after money is just stealing the word from us, that God has given us just like the cares of the world can steal the word of God. So there's a relationship between what God asks us to do and what we're doing in our business. And when we will follow him, then he will bless our business. But if we just seek to be blessed in our business to make money, to make finances, to have, you know, more, because we think that we have to have more, more of everything. There's nothing wrong with having more, but one we're seeking after that. Okay. Then that becomes the root of all evil. Okay? The seed is being stolen away. When we're seeking God and looking after what God wants for us, then we're blessed. So God gave me a vision. He drew a line in the sand on his side, he stood and he said, you stand on your side, I'll stand on my side. And he said, you do what I want you to do. And I'll bless you and I'll do what you want because he gives us the desires of our heart. In other words, he puts that desire in our hearts. So I was just praying before the show started. And I was praying about the people who, you know, are out there in the world and how they need to be become awake to the word of God. And I said, we, and I just came out of me, father. We desire to see these people become awake to your word. We do me and you because he's put that desire in me. That's also in him. So that's what we focus on is a desire that God has given us, that we have in us to be blessed and to do and know him. I've said this to people that, you know, I, I would try to write notes in a book of the things that I wanted to accomplish and focus on what I wanted. And all I ever wrote was, and know him. Now, I said it in many different ways, but I went back and I, I looked through my book and through my notes and I'm going, they're all the same. Everything is I want to know him. That's always a fun thing. And then other things follow, but I want to know him. So, uh, two nights ago, God gave me a verse. And I thought at first it was just for me, but I'm going to give it to you. It's Jeremiah five 14. And in Jeremiah, five 14, God is talking to Jeremiah and he gives him a scripture or we read what you know, he's talking to Jeremiah about. But one thing that stood out that God was showing me is, is this part of the scripture. He says, he said, because the people have spoken these words and you can read and see what he's saying. He says I will make my words in your mouth, a fire. And these people, the wood, it consumes. Now he spoke that to me. And that was a word to me. But it's also a word for you that are listening. He's going to make the words that you speak fire and those who hear it, they're going to be the war, the wood. Okay. Now I'm going to go over because this relates to Malakai chapter four and verse one. And it's a, it's a scripture that, um, I saw in the spirit. And so I'm going to give it to you that way. And it says, and I've said this before for behold, the day is coming. Now, the day that's coming is not like a time like Tuesday. It's not March 1st. It's not, you know, August 2nd at three o'clock, no, the day is coming. Like the sun comes up over the earth in the morning and you go out and it stark. And you start seeing that sun come up. That sun is the light. Okay. The day is coming. When there's light when God is going to reveal that righteousness, okay. And it says this, and it's burning like a furnace. Well, we're in Arizona. And I can tell you that the sun comes up and when they hit you, it's burning like a furnace. Okay. And it doesn't matter what time of day it is. It's just fine when the sun's not up. But right now we're hitting the 118. And when that sun hits ya, you know, it's hot. It doesn't matter if it's nine or 10 o'clock, you know, it's hot. And it's. So it says that the day is coming burning like a furnace, that's the light and all the arrogant and every evildoer will be chaff. And the day that is coming will set them. Ablaze, says the Lord of hosts so that it will leave them neither root nor branch. But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness. See, we're going back to sun S U N of righteousness. That's the day that's coming, will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go forth and skip like calves from the stall. It's got healing in its wings. You will tread down the wicked and they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on that day. What day when the sun of right righteousness arises. Uh, so it just goes Along with Jeremiah, when he says that your words are going to be like a fire and those who hear it are going to be like the wood. Well, what's, what's happening now. Our carnal minds think that you know, we're going to, uh, you know, command judgment on people and they're going to fall or they're going to burn out or, you know, they're going to die or something. Okay. Peter had the same problem. You know, Peter thought, you know, uh, Jesus was telling him he was going to go to the cross. Oh no, you're not. And Jesus had to say, Hey, Satan, get behind me. Okay. And then, you know, when the soldiers came up, Peter got his sword out and he cut off one of their ears and Jesus had to put it back on, you know? So we have that in us that we want to control things and we want to make things right. We see things. And, you know, we would like to physically, uh, do something that would make, you know, people. Right. But God reminds us that it's the goodness of God that leads to repentance. So what is he talking about here? Cause it sounds like that we're going to go out there and grab these unrighteous people by the neck and throw them on the ground and step on them. That's what it sounds like. But that's not what it's talking about. It's more in the lines with the government shall be upon his shoulders. Now we think in a carnal way, we think that Jesus is going to come and he's going to, uh, rule the earth. And so the Jews have a problem with this because they're waiting for the Messiah to come and, and ruled, Jerusalem. And the rest of the world can go to hell, but that's not the way it is. When we make Jesus, the Lord of our life, he governs our life. He's that governor in our life. Now one day, you know, it's going to change, but for now, he's governing our life because we've accepted him. So now let's look, we're going to come back to these two scriptures and we're going to find out what they're talking about. And I'm going to go over to acts chapter one. And it says, Jesus was saying to the disciples, he said, John baptized with water. But in the few days, you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit. And then that's in verse five in verse seven, he says, uh, but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be a witness in Jerusalem and Judah and in some area and to the ends of the earth, okay, you're going to be a witness in Jerusalem, the soul city, and then in all Judah and then some area, and then all of the earth, that's, what's going to happen when this power comes upon you. So now we're going to find out what that power is. So in first Corinthians, chapter one in verse 18, it says for the word of the cross or the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing. But to us who are being saved, it is the power of God for it's written. I will destroy the wisdom of the wise. And the understanding of those who have understanding will be confounded. The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but it's the power of God. You see this message of Jesus. And what he did is the power of God. What I said was this that's happening that he's talking about in Jeremiah. And what he's talking about in Malakai is what he's doing in our life. It's the unrighteousness. That's in our life. When I heard the good news and the message of the cross, it changed my life. I didn't have the same desires that I used to have. I had desires to know him. I had the desire to have an experience with our Lord. So I'm going to read something from you over here to Romans eight 11, And the Phillips translation describes it very, very well. It says you are not carnal. And what the Phillips translation does is it takes, instead of just a verse, it puts the thought that it's talking about. And it puts that with that first. So it's like the message Bible where it takes thought in and breaks that out. And so you don't just read one verse. You read the whole context of what's being taught, but you are not carnal, but spiritual. If the spirit of God finds a home within you, you cannot indeed be a Christian at all. Unless you have something of the spirit in you. Now, if Christ does live within you, his presence means that you, your sinful nature are dead. Now, remember that your sinful nature is dead, but your spirit becomes alive because of the righteousness he brings with him. I said that your nature is dead in the presence of Christ. And so it is because of its sin. Nevertheless, once the spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead lives within you, he will, by the same spirit, He will bring to your whole being new strength and vitality. You see what's, what's happening in Malakai for where this son of righteousness is coming. It's making that part of you. That's that sinful nature dead. He's making it dead. And then, uh, the Jubilee Bible says, if the spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he that raised Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by the spirit that dwells in you. I love the word quicken. so he's going to Quicken our mortal bodies. How is that happening? How is this sun of righteousness coming up? And the wicked are going to be like, you know, chaff under your feet, they're going to burn up. This is how, but you are not carnal, but spiritual. If the spirit of God finds its home within you, you cannot indeed be a Christian at all. Unless you have something of his spirit in you. Now, if Christ does live within you, his presence means that your sinful nature is dead. You see, this is what he's talking about. You're going to preach the gospel, the message of the cross, and the effect it's going to have on people. They're going to be, your words are going to be like fire. And they're going to be like the wood. It consumes. You're going to speak to them, the message of Jesus Christ. And it's going to make their sinful nature dead. And it's going to make them alive to Christ because you're not only just in business to make money. Your business function is to make money, but you're in the marketplace around people to give them the message of Christ, the set them free from the power of sin and death. You are the son of righteous that's rising. You, you are that bright light. And your message to them is to set them free from their carnal nature. And that's the power of God. That's the power of God. That's in us. Now. It doesn't just stop. There. It's complete wholeness. It means that they're going to be restored to what they're supposed to be to the image that God has for them to the calling that God has for them. But that sinful nature that is controlling their life now is going to be cut off. It's going to become like the burnt chaff it's going to be made dead. And the new nature that's going to take over is this desire to have an experience with Christ Jesus, why am I telling you this? I'm telling you this, because this is the word of the Lord to you, that you are going to have words and your message that come out of your mouth. The message of Christ is going to bring salvation to those people around you. And it's going to free them from the power of sin and death. And God's saying to you, if you'll do what I'm asking you to do, then I'm going to bless your business. I'm going to give you what everybody seeks after because you're seeking after me. That's a principle too. The more that you press in to know him to that, which we talked about yesterday, if you missed yesterday's show, you need to go back and see it. Cause it's really powerful. I had Susan on here and we were talking about the yearning to know him. And the more that you yearn to know him, the more is given to you. But if you let that slide, even what you think you have will be taken away from you. So we have a duty and an obligation. We have a commandment that we're supposed to share the gospel and we're in business. And it's so easy for us to be so distracted by our business to work 12 hours a day, 10 hours a day, go to bed, wake up at night, thinking about business and that's wrong. It's wrong. We are supposed to be in the blessing, not in the curse. We're supposed to have God speak to us about our business and tell us things to do and give us instruction. We're not supposed to be running around and chasing it. It's supposed to come to us, but we have to do what he's asking us to do. And that power that he's given us that came to us is the, is the message of, of the cross it's foolishness. Nevertheless, that's what it is. Now. I'm going to read you something else just to kind of, um, end this. But in first, uh, um, first Corinthians chapter 12, he starts talking about different gifts. Now you are, in verse 27, you are the body of Christ and each one of you is a part of it, but God has placed in the church. First apostles. First, first of all, apostles, second prophets, third teachers then miracles. Now the word miracles are the same word, for power. And they get caught up in all the little, you know, uh, this, this Bible translation is better than the other translation and you know, all these things that don't matter. Okay. Paul said, no, I came with the message of the cross and the power of that. And some miracles followed that message, the same power that we received from the Holy Spirit, the same power that's talking about in miracles, same power in the message of the well, I'm going to pray, father. We just thank you for this time. And I'm expecting as you are, that people are going to have an encounter with God today. And over the weekend, they may think that they're going to be distracted. Maybe they're thinking about, you know, different, you know, activities over the weekend. Uh, some of the guys have, you know, the honeydew list, some of the women have things that they want to do, but for everybody, they're going to have an encounter with you. You're going to speak to them at an unexpected time. And they're going to hear from you and experience your goodness in the name of Jesus. I thank you, father. Amen. We'll see you next week, or we'll see you at the coffee. Uh, talk, having coffee on their dollar show. That's coming up.
June 17, 2021
Rone Dolph (00:01): Well, good morning. It's Thursday morning on The Rone Dolph and I've got Susan Arcadia my business partner with me today and she's going to be part of my teaching. So this morning as I was, you know, talking to the Lord and praying and a lot of times when I'm praying, I'm talking well, I mean, I'm just having a conversation. Okay. And so I'm just talking to God, I'm praying about things. I'm praying about, you know, the great awakening I'm praying about, you know, people coming to the Lord, but then I'm also just talking about different things. So I'm talking to him and I know him when he's putting something in my mind and I'm listening to him and he says this to me, Rone Dolph (00:58): Or I start talking to him about this. I guess I'm led to talk to him about this. A while back God told me that we were responsible for things that happen in our life because of the authority that's been given to us through Christ Jesus. But that word has been stolen from us. The authority of the believer has been stolen. Now it's stolen. If you are, you might have grown up in a broken home. You might've grown up with a single mother. I was, you might have grown up and you have alcoholic or drug-addicted parents. And maybe they have even, I know one person that went to our church and I didn't realize it, she was on drugs and her father had introduced her to those drugs. And then she introduced her son to those drugs. And so it was a succession of, you know, drug abuse going down to their family. Rone Dolph (02:15): Now that may be something that's happened to you. Maybe you've been abused or, you know, something has happened. And yet God was speaking to me and he says we were responsible because we had been, it had been given to us. You see when the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit had fallen, everybody that, that anointing of the, of the holy spirit, the holy spirit had been poured out on the earth. Everybody is, you know, receive that. Okay. Now not everybody took it, but everybody received it. It was poured out. It never stopped being poured out. Once the holy spirit came it's here today, it's for all, we can always step into what he's given us. And so I was kind of arguing with God. I said, God, you know, why should I be responsible for when the devil has clearly stolen the word of God from my parents, from their parents, you know, from generation to generation, why should I, on top of that? When I was younger, my mother was going through some really hard times. And she was in really deep intercessory prayer. And I had a cold, just a head cold, but she said, come here. And she took me. I was, I think I was just barely in school at that time. So I don't know how old I was not very old, but she grabbed me and she prayed and I was instantly healed, but I didn't have any kind of understanding, you know, with that. I didn't understand enough of it. And I had nobody to teach me. She didn't teach me anything. She didn't have any teaching to her. And so I was just a young kid. I didn't, I didn't know how to take that word and apply it to my life. Rone Dolph (04:15): So how can I be responsible for that? Okay. And God said you have to be responsible to get it back. That's what you have to be responsible for. You have to be responsible to get it back and do you have to be responsible for what you hear? So I'm going to talk a little bit about this, and then I'm going to bring Susan into the conversation and share some things about her life. So, first of all, John10, 10, says Jesus says in verse nine, I'm the gate if anyone enters through me, he will be saved. He will come in and go out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal, to kill, and destroy. I've come that they may have life and have life to its fullest or more abundantly. I like, I like the fullest because it helps me to understand everything that God's doing in my life. Rone Dolph (05:22): He's making me whole, he's restoring what was stolen from me. Now, the thief is Satan. Okay? That's who the thief is, plain and simple. Okay. So now we're going to go over to mark four, and we're going to look at the parable of the sower. Something I haven't really seen before until God started to talk to me about being responsible. In this responsibility, he directed me over to over the first, over to chapter four of mark. So he says in verse 10, he just gave them the parable of sowing. The seed immediately, Satan comes and steals, you know, the word, or it's sown on the rocky ground and there's not enough root in them. And then persecution comes and they fall away. Or it's, the thorns are in there. And then the cares of the world, the deceitfulness of riches, the desire of lust for other things come in and they steal the word. But when it's on good ground, it produces fruit, 30, 60, a 100 fold. So he's talking about this. And then he starts, and we're starting in verse 10, as soon as he was alone, his followers, along with the 12 disciples began asking him about the parable. And he was saying to them, to you, it has been given the mysteries of the kingdom of God. Rone Dolph (07:05): Now here's an important thing. As soon as he was alone, his followers, along with the 12 disciples, he's not just speaking to the 12 disciples. He's speaking to those who were following him, believers, who were pressing in to know him. And he said to you people who are pressing in, it's been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God. But for those who are outside, everything comes in parables to those people on the outside, who aren't really pressing in. Then they get everything in a parable so that while seeing they may see and not perceive. And while hearing they may hear and not understand, otherwise, they might return and it would be forgiven them. So they're responsible. Now, I'm going to go over here. So you understand where he's, where he's coming from. And Ezekiel chapter 12, verse one and two, the word of the Lord came to me. Son of man. You are living them among rebellious people. They have eyes to see, but they do not see and ears to hear, but they do not hear for, they are a rebellious people. So he's referring over here to rebellious people, people who are not pressing in who are not seeking after God, these are rebellious people. And so he's speaking to them in a way of a parable maybe later on, they'll get it repent and be saved. Rone Dolph (08:53): And he said to them, do you, you do not understand this parable. How will you understand all parables? Now? There's no secret in here. There's nothing in your mind that you will logically understand what he's talking about. It has to be given to you by the spirit. And it comes to by the spirit, to those people who take responsibility and seek after God. If you know, when I was before I got born again, I've always said this, that people were telling me about Jesus, but I couldn't hear him, but that's wrong. What I realized when I was talking to God about this, I was totally wrong. I heard them talk about it. I just didn't have any care for it. I let it go. I let it, I let the word escaped me, even though I sh I heard it. I didn't hear it. Rone Dolph (09:56): That was a choice that I made. Okay. Because I've had experiences with God when I was younger with my mother and another time, God spoke to me in when I was about 16 years old, very distinct, full time in my life. When I know God spoke to me. So now here I am in my twenties, and they're telling me about Jesus. And I'm not hearing it because I was rebellious. So he says the sower. Okay. So as the word and Satan comes, so the thief is Satan. That's who Satan is. Now. He goes down and I'm going to go down to verses 24, 21. And he was saying to them, a lamp is not brought to be put under the basket or under the bed. It's not brought to be put, it's brought to me, put on a lamp, stand for nothing is hidden, except for what will be revealed, nor is anything been secret, but it will not come to light. If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear. Rone Dolph (11:10): And he was saying to them, I'm going to read this from the passion translation. And he said to them, be diligent to understand the meaning behind everything. You hear, be diligent to understand what you're hearing, because we have a responsibility now to what we hear. Once we've accepted Jesus Christ, once he's come into our life. Once we have the ability to discern by the Spirit of God, within us, what's being said, what the spirit is doing. We have responsibility for what we hear. So he says, be diligent to understand the meaning behind everything you hear for, as you do more understanding will be given to you now, get this. And according to your longing to understand much more will be added to you. I'll say that again. According to your longing to understand much more will be added to you. You see, we have a responsibility to understand what's been given to us. And that's why I brought you on the show because Susan is probably the one person that just amazes me because she longs to understand. And the thing that you do, that's so amazing to me is Susan Arcadia (13:04): Now I know why God said no makeup this morning, because it wouldn't be going to last. Rone Dolph (13:13): She has the uncanny ability to make it her own. She grabs it and it's hers. And she doesn't let go of it. When she understands something, she pursues it like me, no, she purses it probably more than me. She pursues it hard. I think one of the reasons why you do is you, cause you actually see it, but that's why I brought you on the show. So we could kind of talk about your longing to understand so that they could, they could hear it. Right. Susan Arcadia (13:50): So just knowing Rone, as long as I have, and, and just watching his walk with God, I saw the inadequacies of my own. I was like, well, how come, God, doesn't talk to me like that. What, what? And I just was just amazed. And I was like, well, I want that. And you would then teach me how to get that. So one of the things is, you know, Rone's a great teacher. Um, he always uses a karate analogy as he taught karate for years when he had studios, um, we've all we've owned other businesses. And then we've worked together and other businesses as employees, always a really good teacher. So I just took what he was teaching me and what applications it. And it just started with, you know, I would ask him a question, you know, oh, about my kids or this or that. Susan Arcadia (14:38): And he'd be like, well, what does God say? Well, what did God say? So the first thing he taught me is don't ask other people, ask God, that's his number one response. What does God saying? So then that was like, okay, so, okay guys. So then I started having these conversations with God. Then he was responding to me and answering me and I was like, okay. Wow. And yeah, she's like, whoa. And then, and then, and then he reminded me and then bringing back of the things that were taken, he would remind me of things in my childhood because my grandma was an intercessor. Right. Then he started things I hadn't thought about in years. God was bringing to the remembrance of me of, okay. So you're, you've taught me, ask God. And then he starts bringing remembrance. Susan Arcadia (15:22): My grandma every morning got up and she'd have her cup of coffee and her toast and she'd have her four Bibles. And all her concordance says that you were so spoiled. Now there's no reason not to study the word of God. We are so spoiled. All we have to do is Google it. She would have, she would have a Greek dictionary, a Hebrew dictionary. I mean, back in the day, they had to like study the Bible. And so she would have all her stuff out and I would watch her do her Bible studies and write things down and her notes. And after she passed away, I had all of her tapes. I had all of her notes, all of her Bible. So God reminded me of that. And so I just kept pursuing God, because I wanted, I would want that there was a void in me that I knew that only he could fill and it forever changed my life. Rone Dolph (16:13): So really what it is is you were exactly what this verse is talking about. And according to your longing to understand that much more will be added to you. I mean, really in, in a short period of time, you've made it your own. You went down and you talked to the dream center to the, what was it down there? Susan Arcadia (16:34): I've talked to them several times to the addiction recovery people. I've talked to people in leadership. I've spoken to the girls and boys that are in recovery from being human traffickers. So it was three different audiences there. Right. I blog all the time now. I blog all the time now. I just have this output and I just, want to share you know. My God has been so good to me, right. That I want to share with everyone the goodness of God, you know, you were talking about that experience when you were younger, your mom putting, uh, you know, uh, yesterday I'm on my way home, me and Isaac from here, my youngest son, he came to work with me yesterday, come to the office. I'm always teaching my kids work is what you do for someone else. Susan Arcadia (17:16): When you own your own business, you go to the office, there is a distinct difference. So we're on our way. Home from the office. All of a sudden my car started blowing hot again. My brand new car started blowing hot air. And I was like, Ugh. And then I was like, all right. And so I started praying in tongues and I sit in the name of Jesus. You are going to start blowing cold air now. And my son in the front seat, he looks at me, he's seven. And he's like, and I said, thank you, Jesus. I thank you for that. Jesus. I thank you, Jesus. And all of a sudden he puts his hands out and it starts blowing ice cold. And we just started, so that was an encounter that he had yesterday. Right? He had an encounter with me, with God, seeing that we immediately, our prayer was answered because of the expectation that we had in the authority. You know, I exercise my authority in Christ, right. That saying, Hey, my air is going to start working. It was 118 degrees. Yeah. Brand new car. It better blow cold now. Rone Dolph (18:17): And the fortunate thing is you get a chance to teach your kids. Right. You know what? My mother was not able to teach me and I didn't get right. And so you're able to pass that on down to your, your children now because of what you're going through and because of your longing. Right. And then seeing God move in your life. Susan Arcadia (18:40): Well, it's a testimony to everything. When people, you know, people, when they see, you know, I've always just even the blessings of God in your life. How, how, how did you get that? Well let me tell you, you got an hour. Let me tell you how good my God's been to me. You know, how, how did you, how did you restore your marriage? How, you know, all these things that we are our victim of ourselves, of, you know, by being rebellious, like you were teaching, Rone Dolph (19:07): Some of it is ourselves, but you know, a lot of times it's, it's the enemy coming to steal, right? You have to understand that. Not, you know, we have thoughts of her own. We have God thoughts, but we also get thoughts that are planted to us by Satan. Okay. That's very clear. Who's stealing that. Satan. It's very clear why the word, you may not believe in Satan, you, but that's, you know, that's then you're not believing the word because the word clearly says that there is the devil, okay. Satan. And he does come and steal the word. He will come and put thoughts into your head. Susan Arcadia (19:43): When you go over mark for I've been every single kind of soil. I grew up in church. I fell away. I came back, I fell away. I came back, I fell away. I came back and after the last time it was such a, it gets worse. Every time you fall away. I heard that when I was a kid in church, that every time you backslide, it gets worse. Always that the truth is ain't that the truth, the last time the backslide was horrific because the devil was trying to steal what God had for me. The good works that he had prepared for me. He was trying to steal that anointing and authority I had in my life. Rone Dolph (20:19): Well, here's what the word says. It says for those who listen with an open heart will receive more revelation. And I've taught on this show that when it's talking about revelation, it's talking about the revelation of the word and that's, that's revealing Jesus because Jesus is the word, right. But those who don't listen with an open heart will lose what little they think they have. So he's very clear, you know, be diligent to understand the meaning behind everything you hear for, as you do more understanding will be given to you. But what you don't, when you don't listen, even what little you have will be taken away. That's why it gets worse. Right? Susan Arcadia (21:07): Yeah. Right. I agree with that. I've, I've, I've lived that. And the nice thing though, is when you do come back, you go right to where you left off. You don't have to start over. Right. You don't have to start at the back of the line. Right. God's God holds your place. That's one of the things that just really humbled me when the last time they came back before I really went all in. Right. Because I was discontented with my life. Right. I had the foundation growing up. I weaved in and out of the church, but it wasn't until I was just so discontented with the disaster that I made of my life, that I was like, okay, God, I'm all in. And then don't, you know, I get a phone call from Rone. And I'm like, oh, thank you, Jesus. And then, you know, and then I've been a disciple under just listening to your teachings because you know, it's helped me. Well, Rone Dolph (21:56): Not only that, but you, you know, you're listening to other people too. Susan Arcadia (22:01): Yeah. But then it started, right. Absolutely. Cause I'm hungry. I'm hungry for what God has for me. Yeah. I'm hungry for what God has for me. The important thing is I want to hear him. You don't have to, you don't have to wait to heaven. No, no, no. Well, I know a lot of believers that think that you don't have to wait to heaven. That's the biggest thing that I think I've learned to encounter God, Rone Dolph (22:23): But our responsibility is to take back what we've lost. That's right now, it doesn't mean that, as you said, you don't have to start over. You just have to believe. You have to believe that, you know, what, what God has given has been given it's yours. But you have to be responsible to take that word back. Yeah. The devil stole it. He stole it from me, but I'm responsible. And I'm the only one who's responsible. I'm the one who has to go before God and say, I'm responsible. Susan Arcadia (22:55): And I think that's important that people know that, that you can't, you can't live other people, other, your friends, your spouses, your children, you can't live their walk. Right. You can show your own walk. You can sow into them the word, and you can pray for them. Other than that, you can't walk their walk for them. Right. And, and that's can be really discouraging sometimes as a believer that you can't. I mean, just, you know, you have to, that's where the word is so powerful. Rone Dolph (23:25): You know, that's where, you know, really, I've seen disaster come when, when, when ministers try to instruct other people's lives and what they're doing is they're telling them, well, you're supposed to do this. I believe that God's supposed to, you know, is telling you to do this. Well, you know, unless it's confirmed inside you by the Holy Spirit, right. That's not a word from God. Right. See when somebody says, well, you should do this. Unless it's confirmed to you by the holy spirit, it's not a word for you. Or you just set it off to the side, but I've seen people's lives. Absolutely ruined because somebody thought that they should do something. And they said, well, God's telling me to tell you that, no, God's, didn't do that. We've experienced that ourselves when people, Susan Arcadia (24:14): In our business, they'll come and speak a word. And we're like, Nope, because God didn't say that to us. I know what God said to me. And that's not what he said to me. And that's why it's important to have that encounter every day. And God always speaking to you because his children know his voice. Right. And, and it, and it is a confirmation. You know, I was on a call yesterday and I put him on speakerphone real quick, and you got the word that you needed. And it was one thing. And I was like, oh, that's what I needed. Okay. Because it was w you know, but it wasn't, you know, and we know that because of the spirit resonates in us, you know, like I always say, I know when the truth is being spoken, because my truth meter goes up and down the inside. Some people get the bumps. Some people, you know, God talks to us all different ways, but I get, I get this truth meter. I hear it right in my core from right here, all the way down to just, you know, the bottom of my waist. It's a physical vibration that happens when the truth is spoken. Or if I'm being prophetic. I always know that. Rone Dolph (25:19): We all experience things differently. Susan Arcadia (25:24): But the important thing is that you have to experience it. You have to have, or you have to tell people your experiences and Rone Dolph (25:30): You are responsible for it. You are responsible for what you hear. That's why he says, be diligent to understand the meaning behind everything you hear. You see, let me go back up here. I'm going to show, I'm going to show you something here. He said, do you not understand this parable? How will you understand all parables? If you don't understand this, how are you going to understand anything else? Right. It's not because this parable is going to teach you about other parables. It's about how you're hearing the parable and how you're diligent to understand it. Susan Arcadia (26:11): That's a mystery, like the God hides the mysteries and it's a Kings, you know, that, that search it out, right? Rone Dolph (26:17): Yes. But it's just exactly like when Jesus asked Peter, who, who do they say I am? Yeah. And Peter said, well, they say this and that. Who do you say I am? Peter? And Peter said, you're the Christ, the anointed one. You're the Messiah that revelation was given to him. Right. Right. And it's, and, and, and Jesus said, upon this rock now, Peter, you changed his name to Peter, which meant, you know, a stone or something like that. People think that upon what upon Peter know, upon the ability to hear from God to hear from the Holy Spirit, because Jesus said, you didn't get this from man. You got this from the Holy Spirit. Right. It's upon that principle that he's building his church. In other words, in this parable. Okay. It's, it's on the principle that these followers pressing in, we're supposed to understand the parable okay. Rone Dolph (27:18): To you. He said, it's been given to know the mystery and nothing's going to be hidden. It's not going to be revealed. Right. So we are responsible for that. So, you know, God's talk to me and saying wrong. You're, you know, you're responsible. Get this back. The more is given to you, the more you responsibility, it's like the the the sower, right. Or not the sower, but then, the talents. Okay. He gave 10 to one, five to another one to one person. And the one with the one, he just hit it and gave it back to him with the 10, he got 20 and five. He got, you know, more so it's, that's the more that we have, the more we're expected to use it. Right. So the more I walk closer to God, the more correction I get in my life. Right. Sometimes it's like, okay God, I could have missed that one little part right there. Like the truck cut me off the other day. Susan Arcadia (28:17): The same experience, filling my gas at Sam's club, you know, I've been driving for 30 years. I've never seen a car blow up at a gas pump because I'm was pumping gas with the car running. It's 118 degrees outside. I was letting my car sit in the cool air and the little old lady, she was just doing her job. Sweet little lady. Ma'am, you need to turn your car off. And my door was cracked. And what did I do? I did not show the love of Jesus. I did not walk in love. I slammed it in her face and then turned it off and then tried to justify my behavior. And then I get on the freeway to come in and I start, my car is my prayer closet. It's a 40-minute drive. So you know, I get 40 minutes of prayer time. And the first thing that happened was the correction came. So I had to ask for forgiveness. And then I asked the Lord to bless that sweet little lady who was really just doing her job. Just doing her job. Yeah. Yeah. Rone Dolph (29:16): We oftentimes get mad at people that are just doing their job, have no authority whatsoever. But they have a mandate from the bottom. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Yeah. And they gotta pay their bills. So, you know, another translation says, take care of what you listened to. And that almost sounds like, well, you gotta be careful to what you're hearing around you. You know, I will actually go and to things that I know are disagreements from other Christians, Christians who are persecuting. Now, why I do this is because I want to know where they're coming from. I'm not afraid to scare other people. Right. I am diligent to understand what's spoken to me, but I will listen to other people so that I know where they're coming from and I'll know how to answer them when they speak to me, because I know the persecution is coming right. Susan Arcadia (30:08): Well, and two because when you hear it, this, you know, when you, when you listen to God, he tells you, you, you already know that that's wrong and why it's wrong. So then you're able to help them and hopefully get them on the right road, because we're supposed to, we're supposed to do that for one another. Right. You know, if you see your brother doing something that he's not supposed to a fellow believer, you're supposed to come to him in love and say, Hey, you know, you're not supposed to browbeat him that you're just supposed to, you know, and, and I think that's, you know, Rone Dolph (30:39): So on the last note for the end of the show, maybe you can try to explain this longing that you have, why it's so strong. Susan Arcadia (31:00): The more I spend the time with prayer with him, and the more that he talks to me, I just want to spend time with them. That's just something that I just it's like, you know, just because I love him. And he tells me that he loves me and, and the things that he does for me, and just the way that I feel and this energy that I have, and you know, that I actually am joyful for the first time in my life. And all these, you know, benefits that come with him, not material things, but just having peace and joy and being truly happy for the first time in my life and not worried about tomorrow. How could you, I mean, why would you not? And then, you know, so it just makes me want to press in and then, you know, and then I just want to help other people by doing so I used to, you know, yesterday on your show, you said, you know, when you were younger, you would look at somebody and be like, I don't like them. Susan Arcadia (31:52): Oh, well, let me do. I'm like, Hm. And I just see people. And I just love people. I just, the more I walk with him and the closer I walk with him, I love people. And I just, I love him more. And I want to spend time with him. And then when I listened to other teachers and prophets and stuff, and then there, their knowledge and the revelations that they've been given, like the revelations that you give makes me want to press it more because I want that. I want the revelations and God's given me some really good ones. Yeah. I've gotten some good ones myself. And I'm like, who is that? I'm learning about that. I'm starting to blog on and teach on and preach on. And it just makes me want to push in because when you take something and you're supposed to give it out, and the more that you give it out, the more. Susan Arcadia (32:34): And so I don't, I don't know how to explain the longing. I just love him and just want to spend time with him. And I know that seems silly. I mean, even in our business, I'll get an, a business call. It's five minutes of business and an hour of Jesus. I'm not kidding. And everyone knows that, but that's what they, but that's why they like to call me my phone blows up all the time. If people went in to call me because they know that they're going to get, a word of encouragement from me, but that's because I got a word of encouragement that morning, because I took the time to spend with him. You know, I think that Rone Dolph (33:07): You know, I think that when something is really exciting, you, it's pretty hard to keep quiet about no, it's really, really hard to keep quiet about, you know, the goodness of God. Susan Arcadia (33:18): Oh. Cause he's so good. He's so, so good. Yeah. He's so, so good. Rone Dolph (33:22): Yeah. So it's just amazing. Susan Arcadia (33:25): I mean, he's absolutely good, right? Yeah. Rone Dolph (33:29): So I just want to end with this, you know, be responsible for your, your walk with God. There's a great awakening that's happening right now. And that awakening is not an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We have to understand that the Holy Spirit has been outpoured. And so the awakening is the realization of what has already happened. We're supposed to be walking in this like Peter went on the day of Pentecost and Peter got up for the first time with boldness and started proclaiming the word of God. These men are not drunk as you suppose, but this is what Joel preached on your, you know, your old men shall dream dreams and your young men will see visions. Your sons and your daughters are going to prophesize, you know, on and on and on about, you know, what's happened on this day of Pentecost. Rone Dolph (34:30): And they were speaking in other tongues and the people heard them in their own languages. There's a supernatural that, that happened, but it didn't stop. It wasn't just on the day of Pentecost. Then the disciples started talking to God like they did before he started telling things, Peter, you know, anything that I give you is, is clean. It's clean. So when they, when they came to Peter and they were not Jews, he went with them to their house and healed, you know, healed the person that needed healing. When he was walking by, they were bringing this sick out. These things started to happen because of what took place on that day of Pentecost. But it didn't stop. It is here today. We have to receive it. We have to make up for what was stolen from us. The devil Satan doesn't want us to realize what's been given now, the awakening is taking place and you're being woke up maybe from your slumber, maybe from, you know, sleeping and maybe from not, not really recognizing and suddenly you're thinking, oh my gosh, you know, this is it's, it's in me to be longing, to have an experience with God. Rone Dolph (35:59): And so be careful, be mindful, be diligent about what you hear and take it into your heart, and start acting on it so that you're not a forgetful heater. And I just pray that in Jesus name, that you're going to have the boldness to step out in the things that God has, what God has given you in Jesus' name. Amen. All right. We'll see you tomorrow on Friday. Have a great experience with God because we know you're going to have one.
June 16, 2021
Well, good morning. It's Thursday morning. And this is The Rone Dolph Show. Today we're going to be talking about preparing yourself to have an encounter with God. Now, when I was kind of praying about this, not kind of praying, okay. Just talking to God about it. I was thinking and concerned about those people who were discontent right now. There's a lot of people out there in society today that they're just discontent with this whole attitude that, that people are having today. And the attitude is, you know, really I'm going to push you away from God. I'm not gonna, we're not gonna follow godly principles. We're not going to, you know, we're going to be more concerned about these social issues than we are, you know, godly issues and God doesn't play a part in our lives today. And a lot of people are just sick and tired of it. They're just sick and tired of people that are, you know, anti-American and anti, you know, everything else. And, you know socialism, marxism, you know, fascism is you know really the way to go. I heard somebody the other day said she considers herself to be a liberal fascist or some kind of crazy stuff like that. And that stuff is going around. But at the same time, there are Americans who are just sick and tired of it. And those people are discontented and they want an encounter with God. They want to see God move. They want to, they want to feel the power of God. They want to see God move in their life. And they want to have that relationship with them. That goes beyond just, Hey, I got born again, back in 1995 and or back in 1976, or, you know, whenever it was that they got born again and now they're older and you know, they've forgotten about the, you know, what happened to them. It was no big deal. And they're not as excited as they were, you know, at one time when they first got born again, life goes on, they're dealing with the cares of this world. I got to make a living. I got to do this. I got to do that. And those are the preeminent thoughts. So I'm here to tell you that again, it can be different for you, everybody out there who feels discontent. Okay. There's a reason for that, this content, and us because God is putting it inside of you. He's actually calling you. And you're feeling that call that God has put on your heart. And that discontent is from him because you want more than just the relationship. You want to have communion with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The word Christ means the anointed one. And you want to have a relationship with the anointed one, and you want to feel his presence in your life. And so that's, I'm talking to if that's not you. This is not the channel for you. You need to go somewhere else. Cause that's what we're talking about. It's not about it, we have to get over this idea that everything is about us. It's all about what I'm doing. It's not about us. It's about having an encounter with him on a daily basis. So I'm going to read you a scripture. And it really strikes out to me because when we're talking about preparing ourselves, there are certain things that we have to do. When we prepare ourselves and I'm going to talk about that, but I'm going to start with this in second Timothy, I'm going to start with, with a one. And I'm going to go to seven. I'm reading out of the message Bible. It makes it easy. So my son's talking to Timothy, Paul's talking to Timothy, throw yourself into the work for Christ. Pass on what you've heard from me, the whole congregation said to men, but pass on what you've heard from me to reliable leaders who are competent to teach others. When the going gets rough, take it on chin with the rest of us, the way Jesus did. Now listen to it. A soldier on duty, doesn't get caught up making deals at the marketplace. Now doesn't mean that the soldier isn't in the marketplace, but he's doing one of two things. He's either waiting for orders or he's carrying out orders when we're in the marketplace. Okay. But we're still listening to the Holy Spirit. We're still waiting for his direction. We're still waiting for what he's going to talk to us about. We're still waiting for him to, you know, instruct us on who to pray for, or you know what to say, or, you know, go here or go there the same way a soldier would. We're in the marketplace. Maybe we're buying food. Maybe we're at the grocery store, but we're always alert for the Holy Spirit to talk to us. You see there are two kinds of encounters. The first kind of encounter is what you have personally. It's the encounter that God gives you. And you're with, you know, somebody or in your congregation or in your alone time, in your prayer time. And you have an encounter with God. And that's where he manifests himself, either through his word. And it becomes a revelation or through a vision or through a dream or some way. And you have an encounter that changes your life or you're in church. And God speaks to you through somebody else. And it changes your life. One word from God will do that. It'll change your life. And so you hear it or you're with a few friends or something, and somebody says something to you. You might even have, you know, a word that's given to you by, you know, somebody in prophecy and it bears witness with your spirit. If it doesn't, you put it on the shelf. But if it bears witness and it confirms what God is saying, it's part of that encounter that you have with God. The other one is the encounter that you have when it's coming from you. It's coming from the Holy Spirit within you. It's where you make, you have an encounter with God, for the benefit of somebody else. You're in the marketplace. Okay? Like I was in the marketplace selling, okay. And this guy starts screaming cause his ear hurts and I start to walk away and God says, go back and pray for him. I prayed for him. His eyes lit up. He couldn't believe, you know, that his pain was instantly gone. He looked at me with these big eyes and he goes, who are you? I was, you know, I almost didn't know what to say to him. I just said, well, I'm a minister. That's all. And I left, you see, God is going to have two kinds of encounters. One with you. That's going to change your life. And the other is going to be with people that you're meeting and coming in contact with. But we have to prepare for those encounters. We have to be ready and we have to be ready to give up some of the thoughts and ideas that we might have that would keep us from entering into that. How do we get ready for that? How do we get ready for dreams and visions? How do we get ready for God to speak to us? Well, the first thing is we have to believe that he will. We have to believe that God is able. We have to believe that, you know, God is able to make himself real to us. That's the first step. And without that step, you're not going to go anywhere. Okay? I hear people say this, well, this is the way I am. That's just who I am. I'm just this person. Well, if you want to stay there, that's okay. But if you want to have an encounter with God, you're going to have to change the way you think. And you're going to have to start thinking his way. You're going to have to make a decision that you're going to think of God's way. You're going to have to think. And you're going to have to believe that Jesus' word is true. And you're going to act on it. You're going to have to believe that you have the fruit of the spirit in your life. You have patience. You have love, you have joy, long-suffering. It doesn't, it doesn't matter what you have. Jesus told us we have to give up our cross and I'm going to get into it, I guess I'll get into that right now. So in Luke 14, Jesus says, starting with verse 25, the first thing, Jesus. Well, I'm just going to read it to you now. A great multitude went with him and he turned and said to them, if anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother and his children, his brothers and sisters. Yes. And even his own life, he cannot be my disciple. Now Jesus didn't hate his mother. Okay. That's obvious from the scripture. So other translations, instead of saying it this way, they say, um, anyone who comes but refuses to let go of his father, mother, spouse, children, brothers, sisters, and even his own self can't be my disciple. Anyone who won't shoulder his own cross and follow behind me, can't be my disciple. So there are sayings that when we make a decision for Christ, there are certain things that we're going to have to give up. We're going to have to give up leading our own life and follow him. Now, he's not saying for you to hate your mother and father, that's not what he's talking about. He's not talking about you, you know, committing suicide, give up your own life. No, he's talking about giving up your ambitions. Your, I don't even want to say ambitions because he says that he's going to give us the desires of his heart. And he's the one that puts our, these desires in us. More of it is just a mental attitude that you get from your mother and father, brothers, and spouse, and somebody else, all of these ideas that come to you from other people in science, we learned that there are certain characteristics that are carried down from generations, whether it's, you know, some kind of DNA or, you know, something, but even, even twins who are separated at birth, have certain familiarities about them, certain characteristics about them because of their bloodline. So there's, there's part of that, that we can easily say, Hey, this is who I am. I can't help it. It's who I am. Oh yes, you can. You can help it. And that's what you have to do. You have to prepare yourself to have an encounter with God. You have to start preparing yourself to agree with the word of God. Now it may feel uncomfortable for you to agree with the word of God. But that's what he's saying. You have to give up your own life. You have to stop thinking the way that you think in order to take on this predestined image of God that we are to carry. We are predestined to be conformed to the image of Christ. Anything less than that is out of bounds. It's not it's to be counted as rubbish. You see, we are to take on his image. And that means that we're going to have to give up the image that other people have about us. I think I'm talking to somebody out there today. I'll tell you in my life, as I was growing up, people had a certain image of me. You know, when I was younger, they had an image of me. My friends had an image of me as I grew up, I moved. And I found out that those people when I moved, had a different image because they didn't know me when I was younger. And then I went into business, I became a business owner. I hired people. Those people had a different image of me and I moved from place to place or from position to position. And people had different images of me, but I had to take those images and I had to put them away. And I had to look at the Bible and see what the word of God said. And I had to take on that image and see, I have to take on the image of Christ, not the image that somebody else has about me, not the image that I have about myself. I have to take on his image, who I am in Christ. It's not I that lives, but Christ who lives within me. And so I have to prepare myself to take that on. I'm going to give you a real example because yesterday I was talking about this and it happened to me. And I sit on our show on drinking coffee. You know, if you know somebody in their wagon, you know, pushes you off the road. Oh, I shouldn't have said that because I'm driving to my house and there are cones up and they're blocking the road. And this guy comes flying up on the side of me and pushes me out of my lane. I was not prepared to act like Christ. I'll tell you I wanted to ram my truck right into his truck and push them right out of the way. I was so mad. And I realized it was almost funny because I'm realizing, Hey, this is the old man. I could have put my foot on the brake. I could have done something. I pulled into the other lane. I didn't have to get mad. I had to prepare myself to have loving-kindness. To have love in my heart, you know, but I didn't prepare myself. And so I call it redlining. So, you know, it's so easy to get over into that position. And it's so easy to have thoughts that aren't your thoughts. You see the thoughts that come to you. They're not always your thoughts. Sometimes it's the enemy. And he's putting thoughts in your mind. You know, why don't you just ram your truck and his truck? You know, why don't you just do this? If you would've had a gun, you could have shot it. You know, all kinds of stuff. Now I say that because I was just looking at had guns. So you get these thoughts. They're not your thoughts all the time. No, I repented. I had to get over it. But what I realized is the devil is trying to steal the word from me. He's trying to steal that. He's trying to get me to focus on that person in that situation and focus on that. And that's what happens. Sometimes we'll carry grudges with us forever. I'm mad at that person. I've been mad at him for 10 years. Well, there's an answer to that. Get over it. Start preparing yourself. I love to walk in love. You know, when I was younger, before I was born again, sometimes I'd look at people I didn't like them, but I just look at him. I don't like that person. Y ma met him, talked to him. No, I've got any of that. But the closer I get to God, the more I just love people. I just want to touch him. I just want to, I just want to love people. Even, even this person in a truck is I think about God. And I think about the situation. All of a sudden, I just get this love for this person who, you know who he is. Okay. I just want, I just want to love on him. I want to put my arm on his shoulder and just love on him. Why? Because I'm preparing myself. Now. I'm preparing myself all the time, but sometimes there are attitudes. There are things that I just have to give up. I just have to let them go. Rone that's not who you are, who are made in the image of Christ. You've been redeemed. Everything that's been taken from you has been given back to you, walk in it. You see how we prepare ourselves like this. First of all, we have to listen to the word of God. You do that in your alone time. You do that by saying it from your mouth. You do that by listening to other pastors, listening to other people who know the word, you prove the word you go, and you read it for yourself. You find it. You interpret the word by the word. Don't try to interpret it by an English word. And you do not even know the meaning of that English word. You interpret it through the Bible. What does the Bible say? So you got to listen and you got to listen to yourself. You've got to mutter, meditate, meditate means to mutter. Then you have to read, you have to read the word. If you're going to say it, if you're going to hear it, and then you have to pray, you have to spend time in prayer time with God while I don't know how to pray. I know you don't always know how to pray. So we pray in the holy spirit. Well, I don't want to pray in the Holy Spirit. You know, that would make me uncomfortable. I got filled with the Holy Spirit and started acting weird and started acting, you know, speaking some jibberish that I don't understand. I wouldn't know, that that's not me. That's not who I am. Yeah. It's not who you are because you're not conformed to the image of Christ. When the disciples got filled with the Holy Spirit. Now listen to me. When they were filled with the Holy Spirit, there was a ruckus going on. There were tongues of, there were, you know, a fire appeared on their heads. They started speaking in other tongues. It doesn't say that they spoke other languages. It says that they spoke in other tongues and the people understood. There are two kinds of miracles in this one is you're speaking in the language of somebody else. And two you're praying in tongues and they hear their own language. They had all these people who are hearing they're in their own language. What was being spoken in tongues. It was a mess. They look like they were drunk. Well, how do you know? They look like they were drunk because it says that the people started accusing them of being drunk. Well, what does that mean? If they were standing still praying in tongues on [inaudible] like a soldier or like a stiff body, no something happened physically that caused them to look like they were drunk. Okay. They might've been laughing. They might've been falling down and getting up. I don't know. But they look like drunk people. But if you're afraid of that, well, that's not who I am. I'm not that kind of person. Well then you're not prepared, but I'm talking to people, people who are discontent, I'm talking to people that you are all in and you want to have an encounter with God. You want to have the encounter with God, with you. And you want to have an encounter with God, to the people around you. That's why I'm talking to you who are discontent. Now, the second way that we have an encounter or the first way that we have an encounter, it's not just in us physically, but it's in, what's ours, our business, okay. Our affairs, okay. You're in the bank or something and they give you too much change. And you say, well, or too much, you know, money for what you're taking out. Do you say stop? You know, this is, this is wrong. Okay. This is the right amount. Or you're in a store. The same thing can happen in the store. They give you too much change. No, your, your till is going to come up wrong. Okay? You start looking at other people. You start caring about other people. That's, that's the kind of it's it's what's yours, but it always affects somebody else. In other words, God wants to talk to you about your business. You want to have an encounter with God about your business, but your business is going to affect other people. It's going to affect other people. People are going to see what God does for you. And they're going to want the same thing. So my partner, Susan, she's got a new Mercedes and paid for it and people will go oh, that's really nice. That's a nice looking car. And she'll say, yeah, God gave it to me and it's paid for, and they'll be surprised by that. Wow. She went to the coffee store one time, I'm telling on her. And she said, I'm going to buy coffee for everybody today and gave the person, I don't know, a thousand dollars or some number everybody that came in and he said, coffee is on Jesus. Coffee is on Jesus. Everybody cried that day because it affected them. Your business is going to affect in some way the people around you. Okay. We have to prepare ourselves for that. Let's go on reading this because it's good. All right. So might be going a little bit longer. He says, what king going to make war against another king does not sit down first and consider whether he's able with his 10,000 to meet him who comes against him with 20,000 or else while he, while the other is still a great way off. He sends a delegation to ask for conditions. You see, we have to, we have to prepare just like in business. We learn things from business that are prepared for us in the spiritual world as well. We have to get ourselves ready for what's coming up. And that's kind of what I failed to do that time. When the guy was pushing me out of my lane, he says, so likewise, whoever viewed does not forsake all that he has cannot be my disciple. He says, this salt is good. But if the salt has lost its flavor, how shall it be seasoned, it's neither fit for the land or for the dunghill, but men throw it out. He who has ears to hear, let him hear. You see if we're not the salt. If we don't have the encounter with God if we don't experience him, because remember eternal life is knowing and experiencing the Lord. The experience that we have with God is our testimony. We are overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony. Our testimony is our communion with him. It's what he's doing in our life. I was witnessing to somebody, telling them about God, and he's not a believer. And I started telling him about what God was doing in my life. Instead of telling him, you know, what he needed to do. I just told him what God was doing in my life. He had nothing to say. Because I'm not pointing my finger at him. I'm telling him what good God is to me. I'm telling him of the good things that God does for me. And he couldn't object. He couldn't say, well, I don't believe in God, or I don't believe in this. Or I don't believe in that. No, I'm not. I'm not telling you. I'm just telling you what God is doing in my life. I don't care if you believe it or not. You know, I'm telling you what God is doing. God is great in my life. God is making a difference in my life. They see the difference. Okay? They see the difference in my relationship with my wife, they see the difference in the relationship with my children. They see how my children act. They see the grandchildren, it carries on because I've made a decision that I was going to change no matter what. And the other decision I made is I'm going to believe God, I'm going to believe God. And I don't care if I act drunk, I don't care if I act foolishly. I don't care if I do foolish things, I don't care. I don't care if I don't even get the promise, I'm still going to believe the promise. Okay. But because I make that change because I make that declaration because I prepare myself for that. God blesses me. Okay. I'm going to make a decision that I'm going to seek first, the kingdom of God. And I made that decision, knowing that all of these things are going to be added unto me. So you might've thought that I'm going to say, and I don't care. If all these things are added unto me, I'm just going to, you know, seek first the kingdom of God. No, that's not the way it works. Okay. You can't do that. You have to give up your thinking and you have to believe the word of God. If I'm, if I'm the word, when I say I'm going to seek first, the kingdom of God and all these things are going to be added unto me. I believe both parts of it. I believe that if I seek him, these things are going to come running after me. I believe his word. I believe it. And I'm receiving it in the name of Jesus. All right. So if you feel discontent, decide with me, and let's follow after Jesus. Let's not be the person that says, well, this is just who I am. This is my characteristic. Well, okay. It's time to change. I'm changing. I want you to change with us, make that change, say I'm all in. So we have an email address. It's So write us, we're going to start helping people with their websites for their ministry. If you're in business, you need to have a website for ministry on how you're going to start reaching people. You need to start making those plans on how you're going to have your encounter, how you're going to react, and how you're going to have an encounter with the people around you. All right. In the name of Jesus. I just pray it. So with you in Jesus name, amen. And we will see you tomorrow, which is Thursday.
June 15, 2021
Well, good morning, this is Rone. And today we're going to be talking about hearing from God in our business, communion, and the Tallit. So the reason why I'm going over some of this is because we're.. there are certain things in the word of God that give us our promises back and restore us. And in business, we need to understand certain fundamental principles that are in the word and why we have the right to call on the name of Jesus. Why we have the right to actually hear from him, get directions from him, and expect that that's what's going to happen. So yesterday we talked about the prayer shawl or prayer cloth that was worn by the Jewish people and the tassel that came off, the four corners and the tassels represent, or remind us of the word of God, of the Old Testament especially, but they, they are the promises, not just the commandments, but the actual promises that went with the commandments. Now in the old, in the old Testament, these promises had conditions. If you will hearken unto the voice of the Lord, your God, and do what I say, then these blessings are going to come upon you. Always he was given commandments, but they always have blessings with them. So we see that in Matthew nine, 20, and 21, we see that the woman with the issue of blood said if I can just touch his tassel, okay. Is CZ if I pronounce that right? But the tassel, one translation actually says, if I can just pray, if I can just touch his, his prayer shawl, you see back then they warm on the outside. They weren't just worn on the inside. They were worn on the outside. And so she was just wanting to touch him. If I just touch him then I'm going to be healed because they recognize that this is a promise that was given to them was the promise. One of the promises was healing, but healing, the word healing is much more than that. It actually means to be made whole so nothing missing and nothing is broken. So she was wanting to be made whole, she wanted to be made. Well, she wanted to, this 12 years of bleeding that she had, she wanted to, you know, get over that and be healed. So, she kept saying to herself, if I can just touch the hem of his garment, Jesus will heal me. Now we recognize that the tassel itself is not healing. It's Jesus, who's healing. It's God who does the healing. It's not the tassel, but the tassel is a point of contact for us. It's to remind us of the word. Now, somebody out there, and you're not whole, you need, and you want to be made whole, but you're not made whole right now. And so this message is to make you whole also there's people out there and you're struggling with your business. You're having obstacles in your business. And you're trying to get through that business obstacle. And you want to be made whole, you see, God wants to make us whole the same power that raised Christ from the dead dwells in us and that power that's in us through what Jesus did. The Holy Spirit in us is wanting to make us whole, but we have a part to play in it. We have to, we have to take, what's been given to us. It's not just a promise, but everything that God does, he works through us. The promise has been given to us, but he didn't put it in our hand. We have to take it. We have to reach out and take it. So that's why they had the tassels. Okay. Today we have communion and then communion, we have the Lord's supper and he commanded us to take the Lord's supper. Okay. When we do this, we're being reminded of what was given to us. Okay? He said, Paul's saying this in, in the first Corinthians chapter 11 and starting in verse 23, he says for, I received from the Lord, that, which I also delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus in the night in which he was betrayed, took the bread. And when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, this is my body, which is for you do this in remembrance of me. So he took the bread. And the first thing he did is he gave thanks. Now you might think this is so weird because this is my body, but he gave thanks. He gave thanks to God for what God was at that particular time in his life. He knew he was going to go to the cross and he was telling his disciples, this is my body, which is given for you. So just like this, just like this tassel, okay. It's to remind us of what was given to us. This is the body of Christ. When we partake of this, this is his body, which was given for us. So he broke the bread and he shared it. Some translation says that this is my body, which is broken for you. Now, his bones weren't broken. At that time, when they were on the cross, if they were still alive, they would go out and break their legs because they push themselves up with their legs in order to breathe. And then they squatted back down and they did that over and over again, pushing themselves up so they could breathe. And so if they were living too long, they break their legs and then they would die. They didn't do that with Jesus because he was, he was already dead. He had already gone to the father and said, it's finished. And he died, but we take this bread. And we remember what he did for us. I'm going to pause for a minute before I take this because I'm going to read the rest of this. In first Corinthians, get some light in here in the same way. He took the cup. Also after supper saying this cup is a new covenant in my blood, do this. As often as you drink in remembrance of me now, the new covenant is all the promises that were given to us. Okay? And given in the Old Testament, they were received by condition. In other words, you had to fulfill certain conditions to get that promise. If you blew anything if you've gotten that at your if you got mad at the guy that was driving the wagon next to yours, okay? If he cut in front of you, if you called him a fool, if you got mad at the woman on the donkey or you know, something, okay, back then the littlest things. And if you took a, you know, if you borrow something from your neighbor and didn't give it back, it's stealing the littlest things and you are a breaker of the law. So if you're going to do that, you have to be covered by the blood. So a year they sacrificed animals and they took their blood and they put it on the mercy seat that was to cover their sins. Now, you might've been covered every time, but there's a condition that went with the promise. But the covering by the blood of animals couldn't wipe away your sins because they had to be done year after year after year, but Christ when he gave himself up, when he went to the cross and he gave himself up and his blood was spilled, it was taken to the mercy seat in the heavenly. And it was done once and for all and didn't need to get done or be done again. And so that's what he did. And he says in the same way, he took the cup after supper saying, this is a cup of the new covenant. In other words, this new covenant that fulfills all of that, the requirements that were made or had to be made Jesus said, or the word says that we have been redeemed from the curse of lobbying. He was made a curse for us. For it's written, whoever's hangs on a tree is cursed. So there was a blessing and a cursing that came with following God, if you follow him, you're going to be blessed. This is his blessing. If you didn't, you're going to be cursed. He redeemed us from the curse of the law. He was the new covenant, the fulfillment, the covering, so that when we make mistakes, we're covered by his blood, not the blood of animals. So it's the blessings of Abraham that might come on the Gentile and the Jews, both of us. So he says to do this in remembrance of me, for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes. You're proclaiming it. There's a proclamation. When we take this, therefore he says in verse 27, whoever eats the bread and drinks, the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner shall be guilty of the body and the blood of the Lord. Well, first of all, we got to understand what an unworthy manner is, because we think that if we're in sin, when we take the body of Christ, that we are going to be judged by that, that we have to come to God. And we got to ask forgiveness and you know, that's true. That's not wrong. But the unworthy manner is to take, what's been given to us and treat it lightly. It's taking the bread and saying, nah, it's just bread. Oh, you know, that's not even a level of in bread. I think there's a raisin in there. Well, that's not, that's not the, you know, you can't use that for communion. Oh, wait a minute. That's not grape juice. That's probably granite juice. You can't use that. That's not communion. No, you're missing the whole point. The whole point is this represents the body that was given to us. And he is the blood that was shed for us so that we would come into the new covenant. But if you take this and start arguing over, you know, the type of bread, it isn't a type of, you know, juice that's in there. You're missing the whole point. Or you might just say, yeah, it's bread and juice. It's no big deal. Okay. You might say that this, this tassel, it's no big deal. This is to remind us of what God has done. But if you, if you're not reminded of that, if you don't take that seriously if you don't look at this and say, this is the word of God, this is Jesus. Jesus is the word. Okay? The word says that by his stripes, I'm healed. The word healing is I'm made whole, I'm made I'm restored. Whatever happened to you in your life that you're getting hung up on, that keeps coming back to you and keeps haunting you. And you keep getting reminded of what you've done in the past. This is the set you free. This is to make you whole it's to make us whole, that we might be like Adam was before he sinned Christ the same power that raised Christ from the dead dwells in us. This is why we can hear from God because we're new creatures, old things have passed away, and behold, all things have become new. We're a new creature in Christ Jesus. We've been restored. We've been made whole, we've been made nothing broken, nothing missing. I am complete in Christ Jesus. I have the right to the healing that was given to me by his body, by his blood. I have the right to be fulfilled and unblemished because of the blood that he shed for me. So I can come boldly before the throne of God. And I can talk boldly to Jesus about my business, about the affairs of my life, about everything. And I can hear from him and I can talk to him about the obstacle that's in my business. I can talk to him about the obstacle that's in my marriage. I can talk to him about the things that I did in the past and, and realize that I've been set free. I'm seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. I'm seated at the right hand of the father with him. And I can boldly proclaim that I can boldly take communion, but there's a problem. The problem is if I don't recognize it, if I don't consider this and I don't consider him, I'm not going to get the blessing. So he says, but a man must examine himself. And in, so doing either the bread and drink of the cup, I got to examine myself, is this really what's happening? Did Jesus really die for Rone Dolph? Did he really die for, you know, for, for me, did he really go to the cross? Was he really, you know, whipped by his stripes? I was healed. Was I really made whole, the answer is yes. Is there a part of me? That's thinking that this is just something ordinary, that this is something that's not spectacular. That his word is maybe not true. Maybe. That God doesn't want me to have this. Maybe God is saying no wrong. Not right now. It's not time for you to be healed. It's not time for you to be made whole, it's not time for you to be, you know, forgiven. Well, we'll just take this communion away. We'll just take this promise away from you right now. Maybe later when you get, you get everything together, we'll pull it back into your life. You know you, but right now, you know, you're not ready for it. You see, we don't go to communion just when we're. Well, we go to communion when we need his help. When we need to know that we're made whole when we need to know that we've been restored. When we need to know that we can hear from God, are you struggling with hearing from God in your business? Do you feel like he's not talking to you in your business? You need to go and take the communion. Okay? Now, if you want to get a prayer shawl and hold onto that tassel and believe for that promise, that's given to you, then do that. But today we use communion because the communion reminds us of what he's done for us. And he did it for us when we were unworthy. I wasn't worthy when I got saved. I wasn't righteous. When I got saved, I was righteous after I got saved. After I accepted what he did, I received my righteousness. So I go to communion because I want to be reminded of what he's done. I want to be reminded that I can hear from God. I want to be reminded that I can have dreams and visions, and God's going to speak through me. I want to have, I want to be reminded that I'm going to do extraordinary things in the name of Jesus. I want to be reminded that my business is going to go through plateaus. That's never been there before that. I've never done it. I want to go to communion because I know that there's are in my business, that I've only dreamed about expanding my business. I can't even trust employees. I can't trust them because you know, they're gonna, they're gonna start their own business or, you know, whatever, all the different excuses that we have for expanding our business. Well, this reminds me that I can hear from God. This reminds me of what God did for me. This is a point of contact I have with him. You see if I take this, this is so much like the commandment that says we'll sh we shall not take the name of our Lord in vain. And we think that it's just, you know, cussing, but in reality, vain means to treat as common. It's just common. This is just bread. This is just some fruit juice. Okay? It's not even grape juice Rone. It's pomegranate juice. t's common. See, that's taken the name in vain. Jesus, no big deal. Everybody out there in the world who doesn't believe takes the name of Jesus in vain date. He's just a made-up character. Some people say he's not real. He was never raised from the dead. He's just, you know, somebody that somebody made up. God, he's not real. You know, the Jewish people, they worship. There are Jewish people that don't even believe in God easiest. They vote for people that don't even like him. The funniest thing in the world, All right, off on a tangent there. For he eats and drinks, eats and drinks judgment to himself and does not judge his body. Rightly, for this reason, many among you are weak and sick and they number sleep. In other words, they die. But if you judge ourselves, rightly we would not be judged. And when we are judged, we are disciplined by the Lord so that we will not be condemned along with the world. You see if I don't take this communion seriously, if I don't take what God has done for me seriously, then I'm going to be distracted by the cares of the world. I'm going to be distracted because the devil tells me that I can't hear from God. I'm not worthy to hear from God. I'm going to take this. If this is, if this is just common, you know, something simple, I'm not going to receive my healing. And if I don't receive my healing, I might die. You see if I don't receive my wholeness, then my past is always going to haunt me, but I've been delivered from that. This is my deliverance. This is my wholeness. This is my healing. But if I don't treat it as such, Then It's unworthy. I'm I'm unworthy. And it's actually, you know, judging me because, Hey, it's not, it's not important. And then I don't realize that, Hey, by his stripes, I'm healed that though. He was rich yet for my sake, he became poor that I, through his poverty might be rich, that he would anoint me and be with me and talk to me. And I would be seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, if this is just normal, if this is just every day, you know, bread and something else, but no, it's not. This reminds me of what he's done for me. This reminds me that he's made me whole, this reminds me of the sickness. That's in my body that has to leave because his body was broken for me because his, this is the new covenant in his blood that he's made me whole. He became the fulfillment of the law for me. He gave me the promises by his blood, not by what I've done, but by faith in him. So it might be by grace. This is healing. This is wholeness for me. And I have to take it as such. I have to remember this such. So you may want to do this on your own. You may want to do it every day, every day, read the scripture, write them down, take communion because we have to get in our mind. Faith comes by hearing, hearing by the word of God, but there are things that help us remember his word. Communion is one of them. The tassel is another, but for us, the communion, man, this is the word of God. This is what God did for us. Now I'm going to take this communion. I'm going to be reminded God, Jesus, you know, by his stripes, I'm healed. You bore my sickness. You carry my diseases. And by your stripes, I'm healed. This is a body that was given for me. I'm going to take this Jesus in remembrance of you. This represents the blood that you spilled for me. This is the righteousness that came to me. Your blood that was put on the mercy seat. You gave me the right standing that I can come boldly before the throne of God. This is the new covenant fulfilling all of the requirements of the old covenant. When you did this for me, just for me and just for everybody else out there, and I've been born again and you give me the, your spirit to dwell in me. I'm so amazed by what you're doing. And I have the right to hear from you. I have the right to receive from you in Jesus name. I partake of this. All right. So I know that word is going to minister to some people I would like to hear from you. You can write into the Just all in meaning, I'm all in with Jesus, like The Rone Dolph Show, if you would subscribe to it because that somehow helps us not my forte, but, I'm just doing what God told me to do, but just, do those things. And then, later on, we're going to have a coffee talk on The Rone Dolph Show. That's always fun listening to that. A father right now in the name of Jesus, praying for everybody that hears me today, that you have been, uh, stumbling. Maybe you haven't thought highly enough of yourself and what God has done for you. Maybe you've treated some of this as, as common, but father, I pray for, for them to be forgiven, be released from that, take it seriously and receive what you've given to them in Jesus name. Amen. And we will see you tomorrow.
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