Rone Dolph (00:01): Well, good morning. It's Thursday morning on The Rone Dolph and I've got Susan Arcadia my business partner with me today and she's going to be part of my teaching. So this morning as I was, you know, talking to the Lord and praying and a lot of times when I'm praying, I'm talking well, I mean, I'm just having a conversation. Okay. And so I'm just talking to God, I'm praying about things. I'm praying about, you know, the great awakening I'm praying about, you know, people coming to the Lord, but then I'm also just talking about different things. So I'm talking to him and I know him when he's putting something in my mind and I'm listening to him and he says this to me,
Rone Dolph (00:58):
Or I start talking to him about this. I guess I'm led to talk to him about this. A while back God told me that we were responsible for things that happen in our life because of the authority that's been given to us through Christ Jesus. But that word has been stolen from us. The authority of the believer has been stolen. Now it's stolen. If you are, you might have grown up in a broken home. You might've grown up with a single mother. I was, you might have grown up and you have alcoholic or drug-addicted parents. And maybe they have even, I know one person that went to our church and I didn't realize it, she was on drugs and her father had introduced her to those drugs. And then she introduced her son to those drugs. And so it was a succession of, you know, drug abuse going down to their family.
Rone Dolph (02:15):
Now that may be something that's happened to you. Maybe you've been abused or, you know, something has happened. And yet God was speaking to me and he says we were responsible because we had been, it had been given to us. You see when the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit had fallen, everybody that, that anointing of the, of the holy spirit, the holy spirit had been poured out on the earth. Everybody is, you know, receive that. Okay. Now not everybody took it, but everybody received it. It was poured out. It never stopped being poured out. Once the holy spirit came it's here today, it's for all, we can always step into what he's given us. And so I was kind of arguing with God. I said, God, you know, why should I be responsible for when the devil has clearly stolen the word of God from my parents, from their parents, you know, from generation to generation, why should I, on top of that? When I was younger, my mother was going through some really hard times. And she was in really deep intercessory prayer. And I had a cold, just a head cold, but she said, come here. And she took me. I was, I think I was just barely in school at that time. So I don't know how old I was not very old, but she grabbed me and she prayed and I was instantly healed, but I didn't have any kind of understanding, you know, with that. I didn't understand enough of it. And I had nobody to teach me. She didn't teach me anything. She didn't have any teaching to her. And so I was just a young kid. I didn't, I didn't know how to take that word and apply it to my life.
Rone Dolph (04:15):
So how can I be responsible for that? Okay. And God said you have to be responsible to get it back. That's what you have to be responsible for. You have to be responsible to get it back and do you have to be responsible for what you hear? So I'm going to talk a little bit about this, and then I'm going to bring Susan into the conversation and share some things about her life. So, first of all, John10, 10, says Jesus says in verse nine, I'm the gate if anyone enters through me, he will be saved. He will come in and go out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal, to kill, and destroy. I've come that they may have life and have life to its fullest or more abundantly. I like, I like the fullest because it helps me to understand everything that God's doing in my life.
Rone Dolph (05:22):
He's making me whole, he's restoring what was stolen from me. Now, the thief is Satan. Okay? That's who the thief is, plain and simple. Okay. So now we're going to go over to mark four, and we're going to look at the parable of the sower. Something I haven't really seen before until God started to talk to me about being responsible. In this responsibility, he directed me over to over the first, over to chapter four of mark. So he says in verse 10, he just gave them the parable of sowing. The seed immediately, Satan comes and steals, you know, the word, or it's sown on the rocky ground and there's not enough root in them. And then persecution comes and they fall away. Or it's, the thorns are in there. And then the cares of the world, the deceitfulness of riches, the desire of lust for other things come in and they steal the word. But when it's on good ground, it produces fruit, 30, 60, a 100 fold. So he's talking about this. And then he starts, and we're starting in verse 10, as soon as he was alone, his followers, along with the 12 disciples began asking him about the parable. And he was saying to them, to you, it has been given the mysteries of the kingdom of God.
Rone Dolph (07:05):
Now here's an important thing. As soon as he was alone, his followers, along with the 12 disciples, he's not just speaking to the 12 disciples. He's speaking to those who were following him, believers, who were pressing in to know him. And he said to you people who are pressing in, it's been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God. But for those who are outside, everything comes in parables to those people on the outside, who aren't really pressing in. Then they get everything in a parable so that while seeing they may see and not perceive. And while hearing they may hear and not understand, otherwise, they might return and it would be forgiven them. So they're responsible. Now, I'm going to go over here. So you understand where he's, where he's coming from. And Ezekiel chapter 12, verse one and two, the word of the Lord came to me. Son of man. You are living them among rebellious people. They have eyes to see, but they do not see and ears to hear, but they do not hear for, they are a rebellious people. So he's referring over here to rebellious people, people who are not pressing in who are not seeking after God, these are rebellious people. And so he's speaking to them in a way of a parable maybe later on, they'll get it repent and be saved.
Rone Dolph (08:53):
And he said to them, do you, you do not understand this parable. How will you understand all parables? Now? There's no secret in here. There's nothing in your mind that you will logically understand what he's talking about. It has to be given to you by the spirit. And it comes to by the spirit, to those people who take responsibility and seek after God. If you know, when I was before I got born again, I've always said this, that people were telling me about Jesus, but I couldn't hear him, but that's wrong. What I realized when I was talking to God about this, I was totally wrong. I heard them talk about it. I just didn't have any care for it. I let it go. I let it, I let the word escaped me, even though I sh I heard it. I didn't hear it.
Rone Dolph (09:56):
That was a choice that I made. Okay. Because I've had experiences with God when I was younger with my mother and another time, God spoke to me in when I was about 16 years old, very distinct, full time in my life. When I know God spoke to me. So now here I am in my twenties, and they're telling me about Jesus. And I'm not hearing it because I was rebellious. So he says the sower. Okay. So as the word and Satan comes, so the thief is Satan. That's who Satan is. Now. He goes down and I'm going to go down to verses 24, 21. And he was saying to them, a lamp is not brought to be put under the basket or under the bed. It's not brought to be put, it's brought to me, put on a lamp, stand for nothing is hidden, except for what will be revealed, nor is anything been secret, but it will not come to light. If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.
Rone Dolph (11:10):
And he was saying to them, I'm going to read this from the passion translation. And he said to them, be diligent to understand the meaning behind everything. You hear, be diligent to understand what you're hearing, because we have a responsibility now to what we hear. Once we've accepted Jesus Christ, once he's come into our life. Once we have the ability to discern by the Spirit of God, within us, what's being said, what the spirit is doing. We have responsibility for what we hear. So he says, be diligent to understand the meaning behind everything you hear for, as you do more understanding will be given to you now, get this. And according to your longing to understand much more will be added to you. I'll say that again. According to your longing to understand much more will be added to you. You see, we have a responsibility to understand what's been given to us. And that's why I brought you on the show because Susan is probably the one person that just amazes me because she longs to understand. And the thing that you do, that's so amazing to me is
Susan Arcadia (13:04):
Now I know why God said no makeup this morning, because it wouldn't be going to last.
Rone Dolph (13:13):
She has the uncanny ability to make it her own. She grabs it and it's hers. And she doesn't let go of it. When she understands something, she pursues it like me, no, she purses it probably more than me. She pursues it hard. I think one of the reasons why you do is you, cause you actually see it, but that's why I brought you on the show. So we could kind of talk about your longing to understand so that they could, they could hear it. Right.
Susan Arcadia (13:50):
So just knowing Rone, as long as I have, and, and just watching his walk with God, I saw the inadequacies of my own. I was like, well, how come, God, doesn't talk to me like that. What, what? And I just was just amazed. And I was like, well, I want that. And you would then teach me how to get that. So one of the things is, you know, Rone's a great teacher. Um, he always uses a karate analogy as he taught karate for years when he had studios, um, we've all we've owned other businesses. And then we've worked together and other businesses as employees, always a really good teacher. So I just took what he was teaching me and what applications it. And it just started with, you know, I would ask him a question, you know, oh, about my kids or this or that.
Susan Arcadia (14:38):
And he'd be like, well, what does God say? Well, what did God say? So the first thing he taught me is don't ask other people, ask God, that's his number one response. What does God saying? So then that was like, okay, so, okay guys. So then I started having these conversations with God. Then he was responding to me and answering me and I was like, okay. Wow. And yeah, she's like, whoa. And then, and then, and then he reminded me and then bringing back of the things that were taken, he would remind me of things in my childhood because my grandma was an intercessor. Right. Then he started things I hadn't thought about in years. God was bringing to the remembrance of me of, okay. So you're, you've taught me, ask God. And then he starts bringing remembrance.
Susan Arcadia (15:22):
My grandma every morning got up and she'd have her cup of coffee and her toast and she'd have her four Bibles. And all her concordance says that you were so spoiled. Now there's no reason not to study the word of God. We are so spoiled. All we have to do is Google it. She would have, she would have a Greek dictionary, a Hebrew dictionary. I mean, back in the day, they had to like study the Bible. And so she would have all her stuff out and I would watch her do her Bible studies and write things down and her notes. And after she passed away, I had all of her tapes. I had all of her notes, all of her Bible. So God reminded me of that. And so I just kept pursuing God, because I wanted, I would want that there was a void in me that I knew that only he could fill and it forever changed my life.
Rone Dolph (16:13):
So really what it is is you were exactly what this verse is talking about. And according to your longing to understand that much more will be added to you. I mean, really in, in a short period of time, you've made it your own. You went down and you talked to the dream center to the, what was it down there?
Susan Arcadia (16:34):
I've talked to them several times to the addiction recovery people. I've talked to people in leadership. I've spoken to the girls and boys that are in recovery from being human traffickers. So it was three different audiences there. Right. I blog all the time now. I blog all the time now. I just have this output and I just, want to share you know. My God has been so good to me, right. That I want to share with everyone the goodness of God, you know, you were talking about that experience when you were younger, your mom putting, uh, you know, uh, yesterday I'm on my way home, me and Isaac from here, my youngest son, he came to work with me yesterday, come to the office. I'm always teaching my kids work is what you do for someone else.
Susan Arcadia (17:16):
When you own your own business, you go to the office, there is a distinct difference. So we're on our way. Home from the office. All of a sudden my car started blowing hot again. My brand new car started blowing hot air. And I was like, Ugh. And then I was like, all right. And so I started praying in tongues and I sit in the name of Jesus. You are going to start blowing cold air now. And my son in the front seat, he looks at me, he's seven. And he's like, and I said, thank you, Jesus. I thank you for that. Jesus. I thank you, Jesus. And all of a sudden he puts his hands out and it starts blowing ice cold. And we just started, so that was an encounter that he had yesterday. Right? He had an encounter with me, with God, seeing that we immediately, our prayer was answered because of the expectation that we had in the authority. You know, I exercise my authority in Christ, right. That saying, Hey, my air is going to start working. It was 118 degrees. Yeah. Brand new car. It better blow cold now.
Rone Dolph (18:17):
And the fortunate thing is you get a chance to teach your kids. Right. You know what? My mother was not able to teach me and I didn't get right. And so you're able to pass that on down to your, your children now because of what you're going through and because of your longing. Right. And then seeing God move in your life.
Susan Arcadia (18:40):
Well, it's a testimony to everything. When people, you know, people, when they see, you know, I've always just even the blessings of God in your life. How, how, how did you get that? Well let me tell you, you got an hour. Let me tell you how good my God's been to me. You know, how, how did you, how did you restore your marriage? How, you know, all these things that we are our victim of ourselves, of, you know, by being rebellious, like you were teaching,
Rone Dolph (19:07):
Some of it is ourselves, but you know, a lot of times it's, it's the enemy coming to steal, right? You have to understand that. Not, you know, we have thoughts of her own. We have God thoughts, but we also get thoughts that are planted to us by Satan. Okay. That's very clear. Who's stealing that. Satan. It's very clear why the word, you may not believe in Satan, you, but that's, you know, that's then you're not believing the word because the word clearly says that there is the devil, okay. Satan. And he does come and steal the word. He will come and put thoughts into your head.
Susan Arcadia (19:43):
When you go over mark for I've been every single kind of soil. I grew up in church. I fell away. I came back, I fell away. I came back, I fell away. I came back and after the last time it was such a, it gets worse. Every time you fall away. I heard that when I was a kid in church, that every time you backslide, it gets worse. Always that the truth is ain't that the truth, the last time the backslide was horrific because the devil was trying to steal what God had for me. The good works that he had prepared for me. He was trying to steal that anointing and authority I had in my life.
Rone Dolph (20:19):
Well, here's what the word says. It says for those who listen with an open heart will receive more revelation. And I've taught on this show that when it's talking about revelation, it's talking about the revelation of the word and that's, that's revealing Jesus because Jesus is the word, right. But those who don't listen with an open heart will lose what little they think they have. So he's very clear, you know, be diligent to understand the meaning behind everything you hear for, as you do more understanding will be given to you. But what you don't, when you don't listen, even what little you have will be taken away. That's why it gets worse. Right?
Susan Arcadia (21:07):
Yeah. Right. I agree with that. I've, I've, I've lived that. And the nice thing though, is when you do come back, you go right to where you left off. You don't have to start over. Right. You don't have to start at the back of the line. Right. God's God holds your place. That's one of the things that just really humbled me when the last time they came back before I really went all in. Right. Because I was discontented with my life. Right. I had the foundation growing up. I weaved in and out of the church, but it wasn't until I was just so discontented with the disaster that I made of my life, that I was like, okay, God, I'm all in. And then don't, you know, I get a phone call from Rone. And I'm like, oh, thank you, Jesus. And then, you know, and then I've been a disciple under just listening to your teachings because you know, it's helped me. Well,
Rone Dolph (21:56):
Not only that, but you, you know, you're listening to other people too.
Susan Arcadia (22:01):
Yeah. But then it started, right. Absolutely. Cause I'm hungry. I'm hungry for what God has for me. Yeah. I'm hungry for what God has for me. The important thing is I want to hear him. You don't have to, you don't have to wait to heaven. No, no, no. Well, I know a lot of believers that think that you don't have to wait to heaven. That's the biggest thing that I think I've learned to encounter God,
Rone Dolph (22:23):
But our responsibility is to take back what we've lost. That's right now, it doesn't mean that, as you said, you don't have to start over. You just have to believe. You have to believe that, you know, what, what God has given has been given it's yours. But you have to be responsible to take that word back. Yeah. The devil stole it. He stole it from me, but I'm responsible. And I'm the only one who's responsible. I'm the one who has to go before God and say, I'm responsible.
Susan Arcadia (22:55):
And I think that's important that people know that, that you can't, you can't live other people, other, your friends, your spouses, your children, you can't live their walk. Right. You can show your own walk. You can sow into them the word, and you can pray for them. Other than that, you can't walk their walk for them. Right. And, and that's can be really discouraging sometimes as a believer that you can't. I mean, just, you know, you have to, that's where the word is so powerful.
Rone Dolph (23:25):
You know, that's where, you know, really, I've seen disaster come when, when, when ministers try to instruct other people's lives and what they're doing is they're telling them, well, you're supposed to do this. I believe that God's supposed to, you know, is telling you to do this. Well, you know, unless it's confirmed inside you by the Holy Spirit, right. That's not a word from God. Right. See when somebody says, well, you should do this. Unless it's confirmed to you by the holy spirit, it's not a word for you. Or you just set it off to the side, but I've seen people's lives. Absolutely ruined because somebody thought that they should do something. And they said, well, God's telling me to tell you that, no, God's, didn't do that. We've experienced that ourselves when people,
Susan Arcadia (24:14):
In our business, they'll come and speak a word. And we're like, Nope, because God didn't say that to us. I know what God said to me. And that's not what he said to me. And that's why it's important to have that encounter every day. And God always speaking to you because his children know his voice. Right. And, and it, and it is a confirmation. You know, I was on a call yesterday and I put him on speakerphone real quick, and you got the word that you needed. And it was one thing. And I was like, oh, that's what I needed. Okay. Because it was w you know, but it wasn't, you know, and we know that because of the spirit resonates in us, you know, like I always say, I know when the truth is being spoken, because my truth meter goes up and down the inside. Some people get the bumps. Some people, you know, God talks to us all different ways, but I get, I get this truth meter. I hear it right in my core from right here, all the way down to just, you know, the bottom of my waist. It's a physical vibration that happens when the truth is spoken. Or if I'm being prophetic. I always know that.
Rone Dolph (25:19):
We all experience things differently.
Susan Arcadia (25:24):
But the important thing is that you have to experience it. You have to have, or you have to tell people your experiences and
Rone Dolph (25:30):
You are responsible for it. You are responsible for what you hear. That's why he says, be diligent to understand the meaning behind everything you hear. You see, let me go back up here. I'm going to show, I'm going to show you something here. He said, do you not understand this parable? How will you understand all parables? If you don't understand this, how are you going to understand anything else? Right. It's not because this parable is going to teach you about other parables. It's about how you're hearing the parable and how you're diligent to understand it.
Susan Arcadia (26:11):
That's a mystery, like the God hides the mysteries and it's a Kings, you know, that, that search it out, right?
Rone Dolph (26:17):
Yes. But it's just exactly like when Jesus asked Peter, who, who do they say I am? Yeah. And Peter said, well, they say this and that. Who do you say I am? Peter? And Peter said, you're the Christ, the anointed one. You're the Messiah that revelation was given to him. Right. Right. And it's, and, and, and Jesus said, upon this rock now, Peter, you changed his name to Peter, which meant, you know, a stone or something like that. People think that upon what upon Peter know, upon the ability to hear from God to hear from the Holy Spirit, because Jesus said, you didn't get this from man. You got this from the Holy Spirit. Right. It's upon that principle that he's building his church. In other words, in this parable. Okay. It's, it's on the principle that these followers pressing in, we're supposed to understand the parable okay.
Rone Dolph (27:18):
To you. He said, it's been given to know the mystery and nothing's going to be hidden. It's not going to be revealed. Right. So we are responsible for that. So, you know, God's talk to me and saying wrong. You're, you know, you're responsible. Get this back. The more is given to you, the more you responsibility, it's like the the the sower, right. Or not the sower, but then, the talents. Okay. He gave 10 to one, five to another one to one person. And the one with the one, he just hit it and gave it back to him with the 10, he got 20 and five. He got, you know, more so it's, that's the more that we have, the more we're expected to use it. Right. So the more I walk closer to God, the more correction I get in my life. Right. Sometimes it's like, okay God, I could have missed that one little part right there. Like the truck cut me off the other day.
Susan Arcadia (28:17):
The same experience, filling my gas at Sam's club, you know, I've been driving for 30 years. I've never seen a car blow up at a gas pump because I'm was pumping gas with the car running. It's 118 degrees outside. I was letting my car sit in the cool air and the little old lady, she was just doing her job. Sweet little lady. Ma'am, you need to turn your car off. And my door was cracked. And what did I do? I did not show the love of Jesus. I did not walk in love. I slammed it in her face and then turned it off and then tried to justify my behavior. And then I get on the freeway to come in and I start, my car is my prayer closet. It's a 40-minute drive. So you know, I get 40 minutes of prayer time. And the first thing that happened was the correction came. So I had to ask for forgiveness. And then I asked the Lord to bless that sweet little lady who was really just doing her job. Just doing her job. Yeah. Yeah.
Rone Dolph (29:16):
We oftentimes get mad at people that are just doing their job, have no authority whatsoever. But they have a mandate from the bottom. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Yeah. And they gotta pay their bills. So, you know, another translation says, take care of what you listened to. And that almost sounds like, well, you gotta be careful to what you're hearing around you. You know, I will actually go and to things that I know are disagreements from other Christians, Christians who are persecuting. Now, why I do this is because I want to know where they're coming from. I'm not afraid to scare other people. Right. I am diligent to understand what's spoken to me, but I will listen to other people so that I know where they're coming from and I'll know how to answer them when they speak to me, because I know the persecution is coming right.
Susan Arcadia (30:08):
Well, and two because when you hear it, this, you know, when you, when you listen to God, he tells you, you, you already know that that's wrong and why it's wrong. So then you're able to help them and hopefully get them on the right road, because we're supposed to, we're supposed to do that for one another. Right. You know, if you see your brother doing something that he's not supposed to a fellow believer, you're supposed to come to him in love and say, Hey, you know, you're not supposed to browbeat him that you're just supposed to, you know, and, and I think that's, you know,
Rone Dolph (30:39):
So on the last note for the end of the show, maybe you can try to explain this longing that you have, why it's so strong.
Susan Arcadia (31:00):
The more I spend the time with prayer with him, and the more that he talks to me, I just want to spend time with them. That's just something that I just it's like, you know, just because I love him. And he tells me that he loves me and, and the things that he does for me, and just the way that I feel and this energy that I have, and you know, that I actually am joyful for the first time in my life. And all these, you know, benefits that come with him, not material things, but just having peace and joy and being truly happy for the first time in my life and not worried about tomorrow. How could you, I mean, why would you not? And then, you know, so it just makes me want to press in and then, you know, and then I just want to help other people by doing so I used to, you know, yesterday on your show, you said, you know, when you were younger, you would look at somebody and be like, I don't like them.
Susan Arcadia (31:52):
Oh, well, let me do. I'm like, Hm. And I just see people. And I just love people. I just, the more I walk with him and the closer I walk with him, I love people. And I just, I love him more. And I want to spend time with him. And then when I listened to other teachers and prophets and stuff, and then there, their knowledge and the revelations that they've been given, like the revelations that you give makes me want to press it more because I want that. I want the revelations and God's given me some really good ones. Yeah. I've gotten some good ones myself. And I'm like, who is that? I'm learning about that. I'm starting to blog on and teach on and preach on. And it just makes me want to push in because when you take something and you're supposed to give it out, and the more that you give it out, the more.
Susan Arcadia (32:34):
And so I don't, I don't know how to explain the longing. I just love him and just want to spend time with him. And I know that seems silly. I mean, even in our business, I'll get an, a business call. It's five minutes of business and an hour of Jesus. I'm not kidding. And everyone knows that, but that's what they, but that's why they like to call me my phone blows up all the time. If people went in to call me because they know that they're going to get, a word of encouragement from me, but that's because I got a word of encouragement that morning, because I took the time to spend with him. You know, I think that
Rone Dolph (33:07):
You know, I think that when something is really exciting, you, it's pretty hard to keep quiet about no, it's really, really hard to keep quiet about, you know, the goodness of God.
Susan Arcadia (33:18):
Oh. Cause he's so good. He's so, so good. Yeah. He's so, so good.
Rone Dolph (33:22):
Yeah. So it's just amazing.
Susan Arcadia (33:25):
I mean, he's absolutely good, right? Yeah.
Rone Dolph (33:29):
So I just want to end with this, you know, be responsible for your, your walk with God. There's a great awakening that's happening right now. And that awakening is not an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We have to understand that the Holy Spirit has been outpoured. And so the awakening is the realization of what has already happened. We're supposed to be walking in this like Peter went on the day of Pentecost and Peter got up for the first time with boldness and started proclaiming the word of God. These men are not drunk as you suppose, but this is what Joel preached on your, you know, your old men shall dream dreams and your young men will see visions. Your sons and your daughters are going to prophesize, you know, on and on and on about, you know, what's happened on this day of Pentecost.
Rone Dolph (34:30):
And they were speaking in other tongues and the people heard them in their own languages. There's a supernatural that, that happened, but it didn't stop. It wasn't just on the day of Pentecost. Then the disciples started talking to God like they did before he started telling things, Peter, you know, anything that I give you is, is clean. It's clean. So when they, when they came to Peter and they were not Jews, he went with them to their house and healed, you know, healed the person that needed healing. When he was walking by, they were bringing this sick out. These things started to happen because of what took place on that day of Pentecost. But it didn't stop. It is here today. We have to receive it. We have to make up for what was stolen from us. The devil Satan doesn't want us to realize what's been given now, the awakening is taking place and you're being woke up maybe from your slumber, maybe from, you know, sleeping and maybe from not, not really recognizing and suddenly you're thinking, oh my gosh, you know, this is it's, it's in me to be longing, to have an experience with God.
Rone Dolph (35:59):
And so be careful, be mindful, be diligent about what you hear and take it into your heart, and start acting on it so that you're not a forgetful heater. And I just pray that in Jesus name, that you're going to have the boldness to step out in the things that God has, what God has given you in Jesus' name. Amen. All right. We'll see you tomorrow on Friday. Have a great experience with God because we know you're going to have one.